Schedule 1 – How And Where To Get Pseudo Guide?

Schedule 1In Schedule 1, we are building an empire, and as a small-time business owner, many of the new players fumble when they want to earn lots of money or even get essential ingredients to cook items to sell. Pseudo is necessary to cook a liquid meth and then cook it to sell them to NPCs. It is quite tricky at first as to from where you can purchase it as you are still learning and unlocking bunch of things.

How And Where To Get Pseudo In Schedule 1?

Once you get access to the Warehouse, i.e,. After 6 P.M., you can meet Oscar, who will be selling the advanced ingredients, Stations, etc., if you have enough cash. Once you have purchased the Chemistry Station, and a Lab Oven; you are almost close to cook Meth. Now, all you require is Phosphorus, Acid, and Pseudo. Acid and Phosphorus can be purchased from Oscar, whereas Pseudo need to be purchased from another NPC.

To get Pseudo, you will need to unlock Westville and start acquiring new customers. Give free samples to acquire potential customers with the help of Map via phone. If they like your sample, then they will message their order. Accept and sell them to gain trust and improve the relationship status. If you look at the Customer chart or their connections, you will find a Supplier named Shirley Watts. Relationship plays a key role in unlocking a new Supplier, as you need to gain trust from Jerry Montaro and Meg Cooley.

Schedule 1

Similar to Albert Hoover, the contact will be added to your Group from which you can order Pseudo from her. Collect the item from the Dead Drop and start cooking in your base. Do not forget to clear the debt!

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