Assassin’s Creed Shadows – How To Get, Repenish & Use Scouts

Assassin's Creed ShadowScouts are a new mechanic in Assassin’s Creed Shadows that shines more when you are not playing in a Guided Mode. The quest marker will not be available until you find the target or particular area as per the clues or hint.

Generally, when you are given a mission or a quest; you are obliged to find the person with the help of general location or clues that are hinted in the quest. However, the area and land are too vast to search for a single person with such clues. In these moments Scouts are clutch.

What Are The Uses Of Scouts In Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

Scouts are used to track down the targets or person. They assist players to find the marker that indicates where you need to advance. Even Scouts can assist in clearing your wanted level. The additional use of Scouts are that they can also be used to smuggle or transport huge resources back to your Hideout. These resources will be used to upgrade your Hideouts

Each tasks consumes a slot or 2 of the Scout. Now, we know what can these Scouts assist you in your playthrough. Let’s learn how to use these Scouts efficiently.

How To Use The Scout?

To use the Scout for tracking down the targets or person, you must open the map and search the area with the Scout. Dispatch them in the zone according to the clues or hint given to scout the objective. If the person or item you are tracking is in the zone, it will be marked or revealed.

To remove or clear the Wanted level of your character in the regional areas, you will need to upgrade your Kakurega to Level 2. Then you will have an option on the bottom right of the map to clear the Wanted Level in order to peacefully wander around.

Finally to transport or smuggle the resources, you will need to interact with the huge pile of resources in bandit camps or castles. Sneak in or barge in to smuggle those resources in your Hideout. Collect it in the Stable after the Season ends to gain all the materials.

How To Get Scouts Or Replenish Scouts?

The Scouts can be replenished or obtained in 2 ways:

  1. Change the Season to replenish the Scouts. At the end of the Season all the Scouts will be obtained back.
  2. Lastly, you can get the Scouts back by purchasing it in the Kakurega for 200 Mon each. Fast Travel in the Hideout or anywhere in the map where Kakurega is available to replenish the Scout.

Build Study in the Hideout and advance the Rank to get more Scouts to join your League.

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