Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Complete Makino Kurumazuka Kofun Guide

Assassin's Creed ShadowIn Assassin’s Creed Shadows if you have discovered Makino Kurumazuka Kofun and wondering how to complete all the puzzle or riddle to get all the loots and chests that are buried deep in the Kofun then this guide will assist you from the beginning to the end. The difficult part of the quest might be handling the explosive jars and navigate yourself to the end of the Kofun.

How To Complete Makino Kurumazuka Kofun In Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

To explore and loot the Makino Kurumazuka Kofun, you will need to first complete the Act 1 in order to switch and play as Yasuke. Change your character to Yasuke and pick up the explosive jar which will be placed on the mouth of the Makino Kurumazuka Kofun.

Lift the explosive jar and enter the Kofun to place it close to the rocks i.e. blocking the path. Destroy the jar to blow it up and reveal the path behind it. To blow the explosive jar either you can use ranged weapon or your sword. Using sword will deal damage to your character from the explosion damage.


Once you enter the Makino Kurumazuka Kofun, there will be loots in various chambers. Advance and move the huge containers to explore ahead. You will soon find a chamber where explosive jars will be used to blow up the rocks. First blow the rocks, then carry the explosive jars to the next chamber and climb the stairs to blow the rocks again to reveal a path.

Collect the loot and advance ahead to dive into the water and climb up to find yourself blocked again ahead. The difference here would be that the rocks can be blown up but there is huge ditch and the explosive jars is hidden.

Assassin's Creed ShadowsBreak the wooden crates as shown in the image and inside the explosive jars can be found. Carry the explosive jar outside and make sure you throw it to the other side of the platform. There are only 2 explosive jars therefore, if you mess up then to reset it; you are required to Fast Travel again and enter the Kofun from the start.

Therefore practice throwing before actually trying to throw the explosive jar ahead. Once you have successfully made through, jump forward and break the explosive jar to advance.

Crawl through the rock and jump in the pit. Pull the container to loot and then climb on it. Place it next to the wall in order to climb easily.

Next part is little bit different as you have to align the two containers in such a way that you can jump ahead. Next, advance forward and get the explosive jar which is essential to blow up the rock. Climb on top of the containers which you must have aligned and throw the explosive jar ahead. Then, blow it reveal the path ahead.

Progress and you will come to the final part of the dungeon where you can loot the chest and get the achievement Kofun Raider if its first time raiding kofun. You will find a Legendary Bow and an Engraving inside the chest along with a Mastery Point.

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