That’s Not My Neighbor – All Endings Explained Walkthrough

That's Not My NeighborThat’s Not My Neighbor is a game where you play as a Doorman and your task is to keep the Dopplegangers away from your building. Detect a lie from truth and purge all the Dopplegangers to keep your neighborhood safe. There are total of 5 different endings in the game that can be achieved in Campaign Mode and for that there are even achievements that are unlocked. In this guide we have explained how to get all the endings.

How To Get All Endings Explained For That’s Not My Neighbor?

Just Like Henry

Henry was the previous Doorman of the month who didn’t do an excellent job but atleast he survived. Therefore, to get the achievement and “Just Like Henry” ending, you will need to atleast let 1 or 2 dopplegangers enter the building and let them kill few of the residents. Complete the Campaign Mode and at the end of the 5th day, you will receive the achievement and an ending.

Employee of the Month

To get the “Employee of the Month” achievement and ending, you will need to complete the Campaign Mode and do not let any Dopplegangers enter the building as well as do not let any residents of the building die. Once you complete the game, you will get this ending. Be better like Henry they said.

With the Right to A Call

This is the worst ending where you as a Doorman would call the D.D.D on every visitors in Campaign Mode. From Day 1, simply hit the Emergency Cleaning Protocol button on every actual residents and dopplegangers who visit your booth.

Due to such unsightly behaviour and performance, at the end of the game, you will be arrested for indirectly killing all the residents/neighbors of the building. The D.D.D had never seen such a scene unfold before their eyes, therefore they fire you from the job and arrest you. This is one of the worst ending!


Complete the Campaign Mode with only one death and i.e. Dr. W. Afton. To get the achievement and the ending, you are required to simply eliminate him whenever he visits and request for entering the building. The Physicist dies of the conspiracy whereas others remain alive.

6 Feet Underground

To get the worst ending of the game and the achievement “6 Feet Underground“, all you need is to let all the visitors enter the building. Repeat the process till the final day of the campaign. This will result in purging all the real residents/neighbor and replacing them with all the dopplegangers.

On the final day, the doppleganger will visit your booth and thank you for helping them conquer the building and from there they can expand and take control over, city, state and country. Finally, letting you join the neighbors in the grave.

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