Unpossess – Tips For Solo To New Players Beginner Guide
Unpossess is a single player and co-op horror exorcism simulator where players take a role of exorcist and they accept the mission in church to visit a house where the victims are possessed. You must need to complete the objectives in order to weaken the demons that are possessing the poor soul.
There are 3 Phases that comprises of cleansing the area from the evil energy (Phase 1), collecting the evidence (Phase 2), setting up for the exorcism (Phase 3). If you are starting the game for the first time then you are in for a treat. The haunting environment, lighting and audio makes the game one of the best horror and time management game.
Tips For Solo To New Players Beginner Guide For Unpossess
Difficulty Settings
There are 3 types of difficulty i.e. Easy, Normal and Hard. By default the Normal setting would be applied and if you are playing solo then it is recommended to play in Easy mode.
The major difference between Easy, and Normal would be the number of objectives that need to be completed per Phase. In Easy, the number of objectives per Phase would be 2, and in Normal would be 3 objectives per phase. Furthermore, the Sanity increased per Prayer is increased considerably in Easy compared to Normal.
Hint System
Each objectives has a “?” that can be clicked in the Journal to learn what you need to do and collect.
What To Equip First?
There are total of 2 items you can pick from the shack or safe zone. The most important item would be Crucifix and the second most item would be Headlamp instead of Flashlight. If you have equipped a Headlamp then you will have an empty hand which can be equipped by any objective related items when necessary.
Items that are obtained in the manor or building such as Prayer, Medkit, Sledge, Cloth, etc is stored in your Inventory cannot be equipped. However, they can be used when necessary such as press “X” to use the Prayer or “Space” to use the Medkit. Only one can be stored in your Inventory.
How To Place Item In Circle?
Press “B” to equip Holy Rosary or Holy Books i.e. required as per mission and place it in the middle of the candles or circle.
How To Increase Sanity?
To increase the Sanity, you will need to find a white Paper inside the mansion and press “X“.
Item Efficiency
Place all the necessary item that are used in objectives mostly such as Magnifier, Thermometer, Holy Water, Microphone etc. outside the mansion door for easy access before going inside the house. If you have not entered the house then the timer will not start. It consumes time to go back and forth and there is even a chance of getting attacked by the demons outside. Therefore, it is always recommended to be prepared for anything.
Character Customization
You can customize your character at the beginning of the game when you are in Church. There would be clothes hanging on the wall, simply interact and customize your characters facial appearance and dress.
Haunted Objects
Haunted Objects found in the possessed house can be collected by a single player which can be showcased in the lobby. Only finder can keep the objects in Unpossess.