That’s Not My Neighbor – All Chesters Quiz Answers

That's Not My NeighborThat’s Not My Neighbor is a game where dopplegangers have infested in the world and it has been lately difficult to differentiate between the real person and the impostor dopplegangers. Your job is to find and catch the dopplegangers who request to enter the apartment and kill the residents. Call the Department of Doppleganger Detection (D.D.D) to eradicate them and be safe just like Henry.

Along with the residents, Dopplegangers, the missing person Chestor Titor will visit you daily to ask you some insane and intellectual questions. Answering him all the questions correctly will earn you The Best in the Class Achievement.

All Chesters Quiz Question And Answers For That’s Not My Neighbor

Note: Do not enter "," while filling or answering. Simply enter the number.

Q1: In what year was the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything published?

Ans: 1979


The book Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams answers the ultimate question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42. It was published in 1979.

Q2: What is the number of different permutations of the most relevant Mersenne prime in computing?

Ans: 302,400


Largest known prime number 2,147,483,647.
Separate unique digits and count the number of digits that are repeated i.e. 4 and 7.
Number of total digits= 10.
4 is repeated 3 times and 7 is repeated 2 times. Therefore, (n! / 2!3!)
10! = 3,628,800
2! = 2
3!= 6


Ans: 428,653,855


Seperate each alphabet and count the number of lines required to create a letter. For example: M=4, V=2, and so on. Finally add to get this number.

Q4: How many elements are in the power set of the set of happy palindromic numbers less than 10,000?

Ans: 536,870,912


2^n where n is the set of happy palindromic number less than 10,000 i.e. 29.
2^29 = 536,870,912.

Q5: Given that the answer is a natural number with 9 digits, the probability of guessing this question correctly at random is 1 in:

Ans: 900,000,000


Smallest 9 digit number = 100,000,000.
Largest 9 digit number = 999,999,999.
Probability of guessing a number at random would be (Largest – Smallest) + 1 = 900,000,000.

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