R.E.P.O. – Beginner And Advanced All Monster + HP Guide

R.E.P.O.R.E.P.O. is an online co-op horror game that can be played with 5 more players to gather all the valuables in the map to extract and send it back to the creator. Handle the valuables with care when any small mistake can either break the fragile artifacts or lower their original values with a landscape.

In the dark environment, you might never know what might crawl behind and attack you in R.E.P.O. There are various types of monsters lurking around in random maps. All the monsters data and how to defeat them is compiled in this detailed guide.

Beginner And Advanced All Monster Guide For R.E.P.O.

List of Monsters:

Note: If you are struggling against monsters, purchase Tranq Gun and see the magic.


  • Health: 150 HP
  • Damage: 2 HP per hit

These are low HP monsters who can respawn pretty quickly even though you get rid off. They have a really slow attack that deals pretty insignificant damage. Rather than a threat Animal is a pretty annoying monster who can create chaos and destruction. To avoid simply climb on a table or wooden crate.

Apex Predator

  • Health: 150 HP
  • Damage: 10 per hit.

Initially, the Apex Predator will be disguised as a harmless little Duck which will keep on following you wherever you are looting. It is harmless until you pick it up or hit it with anything. Little Duck will turn into a flying Apex Predator which can attack nearby players for few seconds.

It has 150 HP, therefore it is not hard to kill. As the Duck follows you through rooms, align it in such a way that an impact will knock it back to deal additional knock back damage. Using Gun against Apex Predator or killing it by the help of extraction zone’s piston is much efficient. You can also bait and dip these cute little Duck in the green potion brewing cauldron to kill them.


  • Health: 150 HP
  • Damage: 100

Small fuse or bomb like monster who first lit their thread up and make a sound before blowing up. They can destroy the objects or loots if they blow themselves inside the room. Possibly if all your teams are clustered together then all your teammates can potentially die.

Banger can be used as a grenade, however, they can break free after 2-3 seconds. Make sure you have enough distance and out of explosion range to avoid any damage dealt. To deal with them, you can either shoot them, or throw them into the acid, lava or pit.


  • Health: 100 HP
  • Damage: 5 HP per hit.

A huge cotton monster that wears a bowtie and has a slow to medium walk speed is a crowd control specialist. Once it sees the player, it can scream for a few second and during that moment, players will be pushed back. Any knockback or impact damage to the wall will keep on accumulate.

Apart from players, any objects and small sized monsters can be pushed back too. It has another attack pattern where it stomps the ground viciously when it walks. It has low HP, so it is not difficult to kill.


  • Health: 150 HP
  • Damage: 10 HP per hit.

Chef is a frog monster wielding knife on both hands. It has a pretty simple attack i.e. it jump and roll forward dealing damage in a straight line. At impact, it will swing his knife to deal heavy damage.

However, it is not hard to counter. It can be easily dodged by side stepping and even baiting it to fall from heights. Chef can be stunned easily with even a small and fragile objects. Chef is really easy to kill even if you have encountered it for the first time.


  • Health: 250 HP
  • Damage: 50 HP per hit

Clown is a deadly monster that has an antenna that can shoot laser out from it. The laser deals heavy damage but it can be avoided by crouching or getting behind a cover i.e. not destructible. Pre-emptively crouching before the Clown charges his antenna might lock you on when you are crouched and shoot at ground level.

Apart from beaming you down, Clown can kick you that deals 50 damage per hit and if you flew back into an object; then additional knockback damage will be added to the players. Overall it is one of the tricky boss and if you know its attack pattern and how to deal with him, then it is one of the simple monsters compared to others on the list.

Attack while extending or zooming out the object to reach Clown and damage him. Hit them with Overhead Heavy attack instead of quick attack by swinging left and right. Once the monster is stunned, Clown can be taken down pretty easily. To stun them, you can also throw objects at Clown when it is shooting laser.


  • Health: 1 HP
  • Damage: 10 HP per hit.

Gnome are little mischievous monster who seek valuable loots and destroy them. They are often discovered in a group or a pack. Dealing with them is not difficult until they swarm you with all end accompanied by another type of monster who is also chasing you. Simply Lift and crush them on the ground to break these fragile monster apart.


  • Health: 250 HP
  • Damage: 50 HP per hit.

An aggressive floating monster who has a potential to chew your whole body if you are not careful. Each bite deals 50 damage and a knockback, however, it has a pretty bad eyesight. You can dodge Headman by either losing its line of sight or crouching under furnitures.

As mentioned earlier it has a bad sight, therefore if you do not get close or beam your flashlight on its face, you will not get attacked. To avoid, you can also run to different room and close the door. Although it can open the door, but it will lose track of you and go passive. Therefore, killing is pretty easy with even melee weapons or ranged weapons as you have the initiation most of the time.


  • Damage: 0 HP
  • Health: 0 HP

An invisible monster who can grab the players and drag them into any random that might consists of monsters. It is like a moody butler who serves other monster and brings them their food. Hidden are quite hard to see and notice, the only thing noticeable would be dark footsteps i.e. charging at you and breathing noise.

Once Hidden gets a hold of any player, it might get troublesome unless any other friends come for rescue. To rescue your fellow teammate, you can grab your friend and save them from their demise.


  • Health: 250 HP
  • Damage: 100 HP per hit.

A blind shooter who can aim precisely is quite deadly when you are at a long corridor or against multiple monster. It has a super sensitive hearing, so if you are making noise or in voice chat, it can pin point location to shoot at your direction. However, you can also bait its shot by throwing objects to the ground.

Instead of using melee weapons against Huntsman, it is recommended to use ranged weapons or throwing weapons. Even smashing object onto Huntsman is fine. Why? Because melee weapons has a weird hitbox and sometimes it doesn’t even register. You might opt to crouch walk against Huntsman instead of running and jumping around.

Another useful tip would be that Huntsman cannot walk down the stairs. It will fall taking 25 damages every time it trips down. Do not walk at straight line against Huntsman ever.


  • Health: 150 HP
  • Damage: 50 HP

A weird alien monster named Mentalist is a master of telekinesis. It floats around the room and when it locks on to a player, it can charge its telekinesis power to slam the players onto the ground. While Mentalist is charging, you can throw your weapon such as Baseball Bat to interrupt. Even players who are stuck in its force field or zero gravity field can be helped by other players. It is not difficult to counter Mentalist when you can avoid his line of sight by hiding under the table.


  • Health: 100 HP
  • Damage: 2 HP per second.

A Peeper is a single eye monster that dwells on ceiling. Once the Peeper locks onto a player, it forces them to look into its eye until players break the line of sight. It can only target a single person at a time which makes it easier to counter when you are together in party. Peeper is often mistaken as a stationary monster, but it can also rotate to different rooms.

If you have a ranged weapon, you can kill the monster when the eye is open. Alone its not a threat but if you are chased by a monster and you happen to visit a room where Peeper is chilling, then best of luck!


  • Health: 250 HP
  • Damage: 10 HP per hit.

Reaper is a horrifying monster to deal despite being slow (at first). Unless you are equipped with better weapons, it can pretty much delete a player when its attack connect. The attack consists of multiple fast slashes which can chip down your health quickly if you are stuck at corner or was unable to get into safety.

If you throw object at Reaper, it can easily deflect it or disarm your weapon when the slashes connects to your weapon. Reaper has a low eyesight and can be easily dodged by getting under the table or running into the corner. Hide under the table and hit the Reaper with your Melee weapon to rack up damage.


  • Health: 250 HP
  • Damage: 100 damage (standing), 50 damage (crouching).

Robe’s default walking speed is slow but it is a quick monster who can follow you pretty much everywhere in its enraged state. Robe can crouch under the table and try to reach his hand out to hit players. If any player looks at its mask or face, Robe will be consumed in rage and start attacking players. However, if you do not meet his eyes or ignore Robe then it will not get in enraged state and keep on walking at its default slow speed.

It is quite difficult to dodge Robe and especially in a long hallway. Alternatively, if you are daring to approach Robe, you can kill him by bashing heavy attacks on Robe with durable loots. You can also roast and burn down Robe. However, still its not recommended to fight Robe and it’s better to avoid and wait till it gets away for good.


  • Health: ~
  • Damage: Random

The Rugrat is a nuisance if you are alone as it requires multiple players to lift it up and smash them on the floor or walls for impact damage. Alternatively, you can kill it with any weapon if you deal enough damage.

Rugrat is much heavier than it looks, and can also lift heavier loot objects from the ground to throw them at players. Depending on the object size and weight, it will deal damage to the players. If Rugrat has nothing on its hand then it will run away. Avoid or dodge Rugrat when you see it holding any item.

Shadow Child

  • Health: 150 HP
  • Damage: 30 HP per hit.

Shadow Child is spooky slim monster with a 6 long welcoming arms to give you a jumpscare. If you hear a laugh similar to a child then you are dealing with a Shadow Child. It can teleport randomly, however it is also easy to avoid this monster.

All it seeks is attention and if you ignore by not looking at its slender body then it will disappear. The monster will only attack when you get too close to it or when you look at him for 2-3 seconds. It will lift and throw you away dealing a significant damage of 30 HP to the players. Although Shadow Child can be easily stunned.


  • Health: 75 HP
  • Damage: 10 damage over time.

Spewer is a unique monster that is rather helpful than a nuisance. The flying enemy hunts down and attaches himself onto the players to infect them. The infected players will vomit venom lace puke that can damage other players, valuable loots, and monsters i.e. wherever you are looking at randomly.

The monsters can die pretty easily if you manage to vomit on them. However, relying completely on Spewer ability is sometime not dependable. The vomit or puking is random making it hard to deal consistent damage and when its needed.


  • Health: 500 HP
  • Damage: 100 HP

Trudge is a tank monster who is too slow maybe because it has to endlessly drag the huge mace at every room. The mace has a unique ability to attract any to all players towards its body, meanwhile it deals a follow up devastating blow to even 1 shot any player.

To avoid Trudge, you can either walk behind its huge body or stay at different room. The line of sight or FOV of Trudge is quite low as it can only see where he is facing. You can also run past when there is a quick turn or a room to hide. However, be aware that it can use its tentacles to check under tables and furnitures.

Avoid fighting against Trudge most of the time unless you have weapons to deal against it. Land Mines, Tranq Gun, Grenade, Shotgun and what not. You might have to bring out all the big guns to deal with this monster.


  • Health: 50 HP
  • Damage: 10 HP per hit

Upscream has a decent speed and can crawl at any surface. Its hit deal knockback to the attacked player. However, you can hit Upscream by pushing/extending the object/weapon towards his body and connecting it.

If Upscream manages to connect their attack on a player, they can stun the players which might get dangerous depending on the situation. Additionally they call for backup always. Smash their head as they have low HP and kill those annoying pest.

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