Fisch Roblox – How To Complete Ashfall Event Bestiary?

Fisch RobloxThe new update Ashfall or Volcano is a limited time event in Fisch Roblox similar to the Fischmas, Winter’s Edge and other events. There are two types of i.e. Permanent Fish and Limited Fish. The Ashfall comes under the Limited Fish which will only be available till the Event ends. Therefore, pick up your fishing rod and summon your boat to fill your Inventory with loads of Ashfall fish to complete its Bestiary.

How To Complete Ashfall Event Bestiary In Fisch Roblox?

At the recent update, the Volcano has erupted which was in dormant for ages in Roslit Bay. The volcanic eruption has changed the geographical structure of Rosalit Bay which has resulted in a discovery of new species of fish at the dire and unique environment.

Fisch RobloxTo capture all the fish as shown in the image to complete the Bestiary, all you need is to go to Roslit Bay and fish in the lava water i.e. surrounding the island. Any type of fishing rod is capable of catching the fish in the water.

The favorable weather and baits that can be used to increase the catching rate is listed below:

  1. Molten Minnow – Weather (Clear), Bait (Flakes)
  2. Pyro Pike – Weather (Rain), Bait (Shrimp)
  3. Ember Catfish – Weather (Clear), Bait (Bagel)
  4. Scooty Salmon – Weather (Windy), Bait (Seaweed)
  5. Lava Lamprey – Weather (Rain), Bait (Insect)
  6. Cinder Carp – Weather (Clear), Bait (Minnow)
  7. Blistered Eel – Weather (Windy), Bait (Worm)
  8. Burnt Betta – Weather (Windy), Bait (Squid)
  9. Ashcloud Archerfish – Weather (Foggy), Bait (Coal)

Once you complete the Bestiary, talk to the Dr. Finneus to earn this reward for completing the quest i.e.

  • Volcanic Helper Title
  • Lava Bobber
  • Volcanic Research Boat

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