Fisch Roblox – All Free Emote List Up To Date

Fisch RobloxIn Fisch Roblox, the game is not only limited to exploration, puzzles, and catching varieties of fish but also performing special dances and emotes to celebrate your catches. To use the emote, you will need to enter the command in chat. The commands or emote lists are stacking up as the game goes on. We managed to upload all the emote lists that are available currently after each patch. The more emotes will be added as it gets introduced at new update. Till then enjoy!

All Free Emote List Up To Date In Fisch Roblox

There are almost 40 Free Emotes that can be performed by any new or old players even if they do not have Emote Pack. The list goes like this:

  1. /e pumpkin
  2. /e Showcase1 (need to equip Fish to Showcase)
  3. /e Showcase 2 (need to equip Fish to Showcase)
  4. /e Showcase 3 (need to equip Fish to Showcase)
  5. /e Showcase 4 (need to equip Fish to Showcase)
  6. /e Sit1
  7. /e Sit2
  8. /e Sit3
  9. /e Sit4
  10. /e Sit5
  11. /e Sit6
  12. /e Sit7
  13. /e Sit8
  14. /e Sit9
  15. /e Sit10
  16. /e Ballin
  17. /e dance
  18. /e dance2
  19. /e dance3
  20. /e Sleep
  21. /e Yes
  22. /e No
  23. /e Clap
  24. /e Flex
  25. /e Facepalm
  26. /e Laugh
  27. /e Lean
  28. /e Pray
  29. /e Bow
  30. /e Wave
  31. /e Point
  32. /e Love
  33. /e Cheer
  34. /e Handstand
  35. /e Crossed
  36. /e Popular
  37. /e Shuba
  38. /e Springtrap
  39. /e Crown
Gamepass Emotes

The Gamepass Emotes list i.e. earned via Emote Pass includes:

  1. /e griddy
  2. /e xavier
  3. /e Mystery
  4. /e DieLit
  5. /e Fresh
  6. /e Pushupus
  7. /e WhatYouWant
  8. /e doodle
  9. /e Spongebob
  10. /e Fan
  11. /e Grind
  12. /e Floss
  13. /e Caramell
  14. /e Snow
  15. /e Company
  16. /e togo
  17. /e wait
  18. /e Jig
  19. /e Billy
  20. /e WeLoveFisch
  21. /e Smug
  22. /e Line
  23. /e hooray
  24. /e Shuffle
  25. /e Monkey
  26. /e Reanimated
  27. /e Rain
  28. /e Gambler

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