Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 – Increase Inventory Capacity / Limit

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2In Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 all the players will start from the basic stats and as they perform specific tasks and obtain certain perks, they will start developing and improving their stats. Initially, our Inventory limit should be capped at 110 pounds. Stats play a key role in increasing the inventory capacity or the limit.

There is a specific stat i.e. Strength which allows you to increase the Inventory Limit. In this guide we have explained how to increase Strength quickly by performing Strength-related tasks, Apart from the increase in stats, there are various ways in which you can increase your Inventory Capacity or Limit temporarily and permanently.

How To Increase The Inventory Capacity Or Limit in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

Each point on Strength increases 10 pounds of Inventory Limit. The easiest way to increase the Strength stats permanently would be the combat. If you are focusing on combat and looting items, then it is obvious that you will be overencumbered or burdened. Instead of removing the items, keep on walking while you are encumbered, and eventually, your Strength stats will increase by the process.

Temporarily, you can increase the Strength stat by drinking alcohol when you are in a Positive state or not in a drunk state. Additionally, you can purchase specific perks that increase the Strength of Henry or increase the Inventory size such as “Pack Mule“, and “Strong as a Bull“.

If you are interested to learn all the Alchemy Recipes and where to obtain it then check our Alchemy Recipe guide.

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