Fisch – How To Find And Catch Orca 100% Quickly?

Fisch Roblox

The new Orca update in Fisch includes not only a legendary fish but also a brand new location with a familiar face. Dr. Glimmerfin would be waiting on top of the oil rig along with other NPCs who are waiting for his lab to be completed.

If you have entered the Fisch, a notification appears that an Orca Migration has begun! Then spawn your ship and set sail into the Ocean to find the Orcas. The Orca fish are migrating in groups and in limited numbers. So, find and catch them before others, or else you might have to wait for another Orca Migration Event if you miss the chance.

How To Catch Orca 100% Quickly In Fisch?

As mentioned earlier, Orcas can only be fished when they migrate in groups during the Orca Migration Event. A total of 5 Orca can be caught maximum during the Event and as it is a Legendary Fish, therefore Luck plays a major role in fishing these Orcas.

If you are in an Orca Migration pool or event and your fishing rod has a -80% Progress Speed, then you have successfully lured an Orca. All you need is to fill the bar completely and catch an Orca. To increase your chance of catching an Orca competitively, instead of catching a random fish in the Orca Migration, shake the fishing rod and check whether the bar has -80% Progress Speed or not. If it has a negative Progress Speed, then catch or else keep on throwing the hook.

How To Find?

To find the Orca, you will need to explore the ocean behind Moosewood. Make sure that your Graphics Quality is at Max in the settings or else it will be hard to spot Orca from far away. The Blue line or pathing on the surface of water indicates the Orca’s route which they take while migrating.

As they are limited and the Orca depletes from the migration pool whenever a player catches an Orca, it makes a competitive sport against other players. If you are having difficulties catching Orca due to a huge number of players in a server, then you can opt to check other servers and join where the players are low in number.

To join or check the server;

  • Click the Fisch game on Roblox and select Servers.
  • Scroll to the bottom.
  • At Other Servers, Select “Ascending” on Number of Players and Exclude Full Servers.

Join the server and enjoy fishing alone.

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