My Summer Car – How To Brew Kilju, Get Bucket And Recipe?

My Summer CarIn My Summer Car, selling the strongest alcohol in the form of Kilju to a drunkard is one of the best ways to earn money. Fortunately, Kilju can be brewed easily at your home if you know the proportion of the ingredients that you need to mix. In this short guide, we have explained from where to get all the equipment and ingredients to brew Kilju and the recipe to brew Kilju.

How To Brew Kilju At My Summer Car?

To brew Kilju we need to learn what is the recipe. The recipe is written behind the Sugar packet in Finnish. To get the ingredients, you are required to go to Teimo’s shop. The recipe is:

  • 5 Parts Water (5L)
  • 1 Parts Sugar (1Kg)
  • 1 Packet Of Yeast

Ingredients to purchase:

Purchase 6 Pack of Sugars, a packet of Yeast, and all the Juice Concentrate Bottles

How To Get The Bucket?

Simple yet difficult to brew unless you have the perfect apparatus. To brew we will require a 30L bucket that can be found on the small island located in the middle of the lake. Get on the motorboat and visit the cottage on the small island to collect the bucket.

Start The Brewing

Once you have the bucket and the necessary recipe, we need to start brewing Kilju. Remember the bucket is 30L, so the proportion will need to be adjusted. So, to brew a bucket full of Kilju; follow the process:

  1. Fill up the bucket with water.
  2. Throw 6 Packet of Sugar.
  3. Throw a Packet of Yeast.
  4. Close the Lid.

Now the next thing after closing the Lid is to listen to the distinct sound of bubbling. This ensures that the process has started and once the bubbling is stopped do not open the lid. It will take 2 and a half hours in real time to brew a bucket of Kilju. Once it is brewed, it will look clean and the brown color can be seen at the bottom.

To whole 30L bucket can fill up to 20 Juice Concentrate bottles because the juice Concentrate bottles are 1.5L each. Instead of purchasing the Juice Concentrate bottles every time, you can find them dumped in the Landfill area i.e. close to the garbage disposal pit.

Whom To Sell Kilju?

You can open the Lid to check whether the Kilju is brewed. However, make sure you do not overdo it and leave the lid open as it might result in a low alcohol percentage in Kilju which will make you earn less money from the esteemed customer Jokke.

Make sure you do not drink and drive. Do not say that I didn’t warn you before. For more guides on My Summer Car, check the description below:

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