Untitled Boxing Game – How To Get Gilgamesh Gloves For Free

Untitled Boxing GameUntitled Boxing Game is a Roblox version of a raw boxing game in which players own different fighting styles and fight against other players to show their prowess and proficiency in their style. Players can equip various fighting styles after spinning the wheel.

Uncommon, Rare, Mythic, and Legendary styles can be earned via Spins. Stand in the glowing box and wait for any player to enter the boxing arena with you. The rules are pretty simple, deplete the health and down the opponent 3 times to win the game.

For boxers, the gloves are the flex, and showcasing the new Gilgamesh gloves instills fear in the opponent. To get the new Gilgamesh gloves, there are a few conditions, which we have explained in this guide, so read it to the end.

How To Get Gilgamesh Gloves For Free In Untitled Boxing Game?

Talk to Jollysome who is an owner of the small shop. He would have Gilgamesh Gloves which can be obtained once you have 3 specific types of Tokens. These tokens are namely – Fear Token, Snow Token, and Corrupt Token. Moreover, players require 30 Fear Tokens, 20 Snow Tokens, and 10 Corrupt Tokens.

All these Tokens can be obtained by participating in the matches. Whether you lose or win, after the match everyone will be entitled to get random drops that might contain Fear Token, Snow Token, and Corrupt Token.

  • The chance of getting Fear Token is 23%
  • The chance of getting Snow Token is 15%
  • The chance of getting Corrup Token is 7%

These Tokens are tradeable and currently, it has no use except getting the new Gilgamesh Gloves that are owned by Jollysome. It is a super cool glove that changes its color every few seconds.

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