Growth Of Giggle RP – All Festering Meat Location

Growth of Giggle RP

In Growth Of Giggle RP, there are a bunch of Festering Meats placed around the “Under The Nest” map which is hard to miss. At least a Festering Meat can be easily spotted by any player. However, if you try to seek or go on a mission to find all the Festering Meat then we go blind. We miss the easiest spots even if we look properly at all the cracks and corners.

Well, there’s no need to fret as this guide is specially prepared for all the players who are wondering how many Festering Meats are there in total and where to find all the Festering Meats. The Festering Meats will unlock a new Figure Morph, as well as unlock an achievement or Badge known as “Figure“.

All Festering Meat Location In Growth Of Giggle RP

It is not confirmed whether the Festering Meats are spawned at the same location for everyone. However, these are the lists and locations of Festering Meats that I have found in these specific areas. Search these areas and if there is a spawn glitch then change the map to reset instead of quitting the game.

Note: The map selected is “Under The Nest“. If the Festering Meat is not spawning then change the map instead of leaving the game.

  1. The first Festering Meat can be found next to the ice spikes.

Growth Of Giggle RP2. The second Festering Meat is located next to the stone spikes as shown in the image below.

Growth Of Giggle RP

3. The third Festering Meat is located close to the stairs as shown in the image below.

Festering Meat

4. The fourth Festering Meat is located next to the Locker.

Growth Of Giggle RP5. The fifth Festering Meat is located next to the crates as shown in the image below.

Festering Meat6-7. The sixth and seventh Festering Meat is located under the water. Jump inside the water and swim underwater close to the ground to find the Festering Meat.

Growth Of Giggle RP

8. The eighth Festering Meat is found next to the other stairs as shown in the image below.

Festering Meat9. The ninth Festering Meat is found behind the crate in the ground level as shown in the image below.

Festering Meat

10. The tenth Festering Meat is located near the Rock spike as shown in the image below.

Festering Meat11. The eleventh Festering Meat is located upstairs behind the crate as shown in the image below. Initially, it was not present but after changing the map it spawned.

Growth Of Giggle RP12. The twelfth Festering Meat is located inside the water. At the ground level, there will be muddy water on the left side. Dive in to collect the Festering Meat as shown in the image below.

Growth Of Giggle RP13. The final Festering Meat is located underwater on the upper floor. Behind the locker at the top floor where we have already obtained the Festering Meat #4, jump into the water. There would be a small gap where the default avatar can swim across to locate and collect the Festering Meat.

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