Phasmophobia – Tag You’re It Ghost Type In Brownstone High

PhasmophobiaThe new challenge in Phasmophobia i.e. Tag! You’re It! has made all the paranormal ghost hunter shake in fear and frustration. In this challenge, paranormal investigators need to find the ghost type in Brownstone High. This is pretty normal as players have countless time investigated and learned the ghost type i.e. haunting the vicinity.

Well, this time players will have 0 Sanity from the beginning and the ghost will start hunting from the get-go. Therefore, players will not have the opportunity to set up anything to examine the areas and learn about the ghosts that they are dealing with. The positive side is that the ghost speed will be normal but players will run at much greater speed.

The long corridors will make it easier for players to aggro a ghost while keeping a safe distance to loop around the school. Well, it still doesn’t solve the main objective, i.e., finding the ghost type. So, what and how can players quickly learn what kind of ghost they are dealing with in Brownstone High?

Phasmophobia Tag You’re It Challenge Walkthrough Guide

  1. Paranormal Investigators will have access to all Tier 1 equipment only which means it is going to be one hell of a challenge. Additionally, players will have to complete the challenge 3 times. The Tier 1 equipment includes EMF Reader, Thermometer, Salt, Parabolic Microphone, Flashlight, UV light, Photo Camera, Video Camera, Tripod, Ghost Writing Book, DOTS Projector, Motion Sensor, Sound Sensor, Firelight, Head gear, Smudge Stick, Crucifix, Igniter, and Sanity Pills.
  2. The walking speed of the ghost is normal whereas the player’s running speed is increased.
  3. The player’s Sanity is fixed at 0 which means no Sanity Pills will take any effect.
  4. 0 setup grace period.
  5. There are also no Cursed Possession.
  6. The ghost is on Hunt from the beginning.
  7. Circuit Breaker will be marked on the Van display screen.

The first choice of equipment is the most important for the Tag You’re It challenge. Why? Because if you are unfortunate then the Hunt can start as soon as you step inside the building closing the door in Phasmophobia.

Flashlight, Thermometer, and EMF Reader are pretty standard and solid choices. However, players can opt to dump all their equipment on the door entrance before they start investigating the high school.

Initially, go to the Circuit Breaker and switch it ON. Turn on the lights in the hallway which makes it much easier to tell whether the Hunt is ON or not. Additionally, look out for the footsteps to locate the ghost and learn its route.

Search for the ghost origin room with the help of its hunting route, your equipment, and surrounding events. Once you have found the ghost room, make sure you find a hiding spot and enter quickly whenever the hunt begins.

Use your equipment to find any evidence in the ghost room. The best way is to open the Journal and cross out the ghosts that do not exhibit certain abilities or according to the evidence obtained after each hunt.

Without Evidence Is It Possible To Deduce Ghost Type In Phasmophobia?

If the ghost is not giving any room to breathe then there are certain patterns or unique behaviors that can disclose their identity. Yes, it is possible but it is not recommended as there is a high chance of getting the ghost type wrong. However, if there is no other option then you can opt to use this method.

For new players, check the guide where we have listed all the unique behaviors of the ghosts that can make it easier for everyone to cross-check their ghost type.

The only way to complete the challenge is to take it slow rather than go fast. The longer you are alive, the more progress you are making even though you are hiding in one of the bathroom closets. Luck also plays a small factor as the ghost type you can get is determined by pure RNG.

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