COD Black Ops 6 – Safe Code Solution (Safehouse), Radio Puzzle

COD Black Ops 6In COD Black Ops 6, after completing the first mission and getting suspended by the higher-ups; Marshall, Wood, and Cage reside in the KGB safehouse in Bulgaria where the huge mansion holds many hidden and secret doors.

If you have solved the piano puzzle and boiler room puzzle then the basement will be available to explore. The safe will be located in the upstairs bedroom and the four-digit code will be written in one of the rooms behind the hidden door. Therefore, without solving the piano puzzle and boiler room puzzle you can’t get the safe code.

In the basement, after solving the keypad puzzle, hacking the computer, and lockpicking the door; Cage will get the key to the door where a Safe is located. To get the puzzle clue, Cage needs to match the radio frequency and amplitude of the sound waves to broadcast the puzzle clue. Remember each player might have different codes and puzzles therefore in this guide, we have explained how and where you need to look for the safe code.

Radio Puzzle Safe Code Solution (Safehouse Rook) At COD Black Ops 6?

The most important task in the radio room would be to simply match the radio wavelength to broadcast the puzzle hint in the form of a sentence. Listen carefully and look for the items specified in the sentence in sequence. The number of items should be 4 as the safe code requires 4 digits.

If you flash your blacklight mindlessly, then in the safe room there are numbers written all over the items. Therefore, all you need is to pick the specific digit from the respective items listed in the sentence from the radio.

COD Black Ops 6 SafeAfter learning all 4 digits, return to the bedroom and unlock the safe to obtain 1000$ and a Blueprint of a Melee weapon “Case Cracker“.

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