Dress To Impress – How To Solve The Maze Chapter 3

Dress To Impress RobloxIn Dress To Impress, if you have completed Chapters 1 and 2; this Chapter is much easier if you know what you are looking for. The Chapter 3 quest is straight forward i.e. Navigate through the Maze. The Maze is not simple as there are hidden traps and levers that can kill you if you are not careful. However, it is also not guaranteed that you are on the right track. This guide explains to you what you need to look for and how to solve the maze in record time.

How To Solve The Maze Chapter 3 In Dress To Impress

Once you spawn at the maze entrance, leave the spawn and on the right side there will be a board that will say “The Light guides the way“. Well, to be exact there is more than light to guide your way.

Dress To ImpressIf you take a right turn and go to the end just in front of the spikes, the corridor entrance will have a yellow light sparkling as shown in the image. If you check the ground there will be a mark that seems like something is dragged. The brown color line will be the path that you need to follow.

The brown color pathing is not visible brightly so it is missed by players usually. However, if you see that once you cannot unsee it. Either follow the Light or the drag mark to reach the end zone and battle the boss for Lana’s soul.

Boss Battle

After the dialogue, pick up the scythe and defeat the enemies that come out of the portal. After that, the boss would summon a mass of rocks where you need to climb up to avoid the water.

The next attack would be simple where you need to avoid the rock bullets. After exhausting the rock bullets, the boss would summon spikes from beneath the ground. Dodge the spikes and the next phase of attack will begin.

Once the boss leaves the stage, she will start pursuing you. Run away until she leaves you. Next, she will jump and stomp the ground to create a shockwave. Either jump to dodge or stand on the rocks at the corner of the stage to dodge the shockwave.

Once the shockwave attack is over, she will get vulnerable as she will be highlighted as red for the time being. Attack her and deplete her health in one go to complete the event and save Lana’s soul.

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