Dress To Impress – All Map Piece Location In Chapter 2 Hospital

Dress To Impress Map PiecesThe second chapter of the Halloween event in Dress To Impress is much spookier than the first and third chapters. The Nurse is on the hunt and whoever she catches lacking, he/she will be teleported back to the First Floor Reception area. How to evade the Nurse and locate all the 6 pieces of map that are scattered throughout the Hospital?

All 6 Map Piece Locations in Chapter 2 Hospital Of Dress To Impress

If you are in the lobby with randoms, friends, or solo; then do not worry because we have your back. Make sure you do not step on the broken glass, or books randomly lying on the ground. You can step on it strategically if the Nurse is blocking the path, however, make sure you run for your life as she is quick.

All the 6 map pieces are listed below according to the floors.

1st Floor


From the spawn point, go to the left side of the hospital. The Cafeteria will be written outside the door, so you cannot miss it. Enter the Cafeteria carefully and collect the map piece found on top of the table.

Lana Room

From the spawn point, go to the right side of the hospital and find Lana’s room i.e. Room 3. Check behind her bed to collect the piece of map.

2nd Floor


Go to the Bathroom on the 2nd Floor. Climb the stairs and take a turn left to find the Bathrooms. Check the final toilet booth where the piece of map will be placed on top of the commode.

Recreational Room

Go to the Recreational Room after climbing the stairs to the 2nd floor and turning Left. Proceed and enter the Recreational Room and check behind the boxes i.e. found next to the bookshelves.


Go to the Storage Room i.e. opposite the Reception area on the 2nd Floor. If you are confused about where it is, then as you climb the stairs, go straight instead of turning left or right.

Enter the Storage Room where the piece of map will be placed on the racks.

Head Nurse Julie’s Office

Climb the stairs, turn right, and advance to the end. There will be Head Nurse Julie’s Office next to Room number 30. Enter the Head Nurse Julie’s Office and collect the final piece of the map i.e. placed on top of her desk.

Final Part

After collecting all the 6 pieces of maps, go to the Medical Wing door that will be highlighted in red on the 2nd Floor. Run all the way following the red path, to escape the haunted hospital.

For the final Chapter i.e. Chapter 3 at Dress To Impress Halloween Event, we have explained the trick on how to complete the maze quickly on our next post.

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