Zoochosis – How To Get All Multiple Endings Explained


Zoochosis is a bodycam horror simulation game where the scientists (CJ & Oliver) are doing some inhuman type of experimenting on animals. Paul, the main protagonist is recruited as a zookeeper instantly after the interview. As a desperate husband and a dad, he needed this job anyhow. Much less he knew that it would turn out to be a life-changing experience for him.

There are different endings that relies on the choices that you make. There are a total of 23 Endings that we know of in the game with different dialogues. However, there are only 12 impactful Endings Let’s learn what happened to Paul and everyone involved in the zoo.

All Multiple Endings Explained For Zoochosis

Key Decisions That Change the Fate

  • Sign NDA or not.
  • Deliver Meat to Lily or not.
  • Ignore CJ’s wife’s call or not.
  • Save or not to save Sarah Watkins.
  • Open the Lab or not.
  • Call Lily or not.
  • Kill Sarah or not. (2nd time)
  • Successfully able to create Poison or not.
  • Whom to inject Poison, Yourself or Sarah?
Sad Ending

At the beginning, you will be allowed to sign the NDA. The game begins when you sign it but if you refuse to sign the NDA by going AFK, then Oliver will get anxious and angry which results in Oliver injecting the parasite into Paul rendering him unconscious.

Later, Paul is tied on top of the meat grinder machine where Oliver will start the machine resulting in Paul’s death.

True Ending

Do not give Lily the Meat block and if you have received all the Phone calls especially from CJ’s wife, Linda; then you will have the important pieces of information to proceed.

Save Sarah Watkins, and enter the computer room with her using CJ’s hand (dropped from Biowaste Filter). After discovering the workplace, you will find all the data regarding the parasite on the whiteboard. Contact Lily.

Next time after answering Linda’s call, you will learn that Sarah slept with CJ to get the information out from him. He was the source! Mentioning that it was CJ’s Floppy Disk, she will rush back to decode the password and read all the content.

After learning about the Poison and creating it successfully, you will have a major Option to whether to inject that Poison into Sarah or yourself.

Selecting to inject the poison into your arm will get you the True Ending where you will be weak to even fight against Doc.

Sarah will set up the camera to record everything, hide somewhere, and wait to ambush the Doc. Once Doc arrives and he opens the door, Sarah will ambush her and inject the Poison into his vein. This will result in Doctor Oliver getting eaten by Mother resulting in Mother’s and Doc’s death.

Paul vomits out the parasite and both of them leave the zoo safely on the same day with Oliver’s car.

Good Ending

This is depicted as a Good Ending and not the True ending because the bag of body Oliver brought has Lily. If you select to Inject the Poison i.e. crafted successfully into your arm, Sarah will stop you and it will go as planned.

Everything will be similar to the True Ending except Lily will be in the bag that Oliver brought in the zoo. Oliver will be poisoned and once Mother consumes him, she will die releasing Paul from agony. Later, in remorse and anger, Paul smashes Oliver’s car in the final cutscene.

Not So Good Ending

Play the game normally where you do not give the Meat to Lily, however you save Sarah Watkins. Receive the phone call from Linda and then get into the worklab. Create a successful Poison and inject it into Sarah, resulting in her death. However, when she is consumed, Mother will scream in pain.

At that moment Oliver will let his guard down and worry about Mother. During this instance, Paul will vomit the parasite out and regain his strength back. Ultimately, picking up the axe and killing the Doc for toying with animals and human life.

Worst Ending

In this Ending, everyone dies including Oliver, Sarah, and Paul. This is an alternate ending of the True Ending where the choices are almost the same except that Paul made the wrong Poison. The Poison should made out of the female parasite’s blood. If you mistakenly pick out the male parasite’s blood, it will not work on Mother resulting in everyone’s death.

Painful Ending

If you give the meat block to Lily and listen to all of Doc’s instructions, which means killing Sarah; then you will learn that the meat supplied is made of human. Open the office lab and enter to get your cell phone. Call Lily with your phone but bad news awaits Paul.

Lily and her daughter ate the human meat which was provided by Paul. As Sarah Watkins is dead, you cannot access the computer and get the Poison. At the final shift and true horror, Doc will come and feed you to Mother resulting in your death.

 Hopeless Love Ending

Similar to the Painful Ending, if you do not manage to open the Worklab, Lily will visit the zoo in the morning. Resulting in Paul’s and Lily’s death.

Mutation Ending

Play the game normally. The major decision that will affect this ending would be that you save Sarah Watkins and do not use the severed hand of CJ to open the lab. In this ending, Sarah will trap you in the bathroom where you will mutate and ultimately kill the Doc. When you are feeding Doc’s corpse, Sarah will flee from the scene.

There are various Mutation Endings that will all result in Doc’s death by the hand of Paul.

Impactful Choices
  1. If you ignore your wife’s call, then she will be caught by Doctor Oliver. Whether she informs the police, or returns to the zoo. She will have a bad ending.
  2. If you do not save Sarah Watkins then you will have no formula for the Poison.
  3. If you do not open the Lab or Basement Office then you are doomed.
  4. It is better to cure the mutated animal rather than using the Lethal injection because you need the parasites alive to notice their reaction.
  5. Do not listen to Doc Oliver, as nothing good will come following the bad guy who injected a parasite in your body which is like a ticking bomb.

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