Can You Get Steam Games For Free? Legit Tricks And Ways!

How to get free games on Steam?Steam is a huge digital distributor that is widely used by all the gamers around the globe. All must have wondered at some point that you can get Steam games for free that are usually not free to play.

The Answer to the question is Yes. You can get Steam games for free and add it in your Library. Follow these simple steps and grow your Steam Library to enjoy these games at leisure.

How To Get Steam Games For Free Legit Ways?

To get Steam Games, you will need to go to the SteamDB website. SteamDB is a database that covers everything that is going on on Steam. Yes, this also includes games that are now on sale or available for free.

  1. Once you have entered SteamDB, click Menu (on the top left of the screen.)
  2. On Tracking, select Free Promotions.
  3. This will take you to the page where all the Steam games are listed that should be Free.

Or, simply click here;

Sometimes publishers decide to promote their game by either lowering their original price to 0$ or deciding to make it free to play for limited days.

If the game’s original price is lowered to 0$ then you are in for a treat to add and own the game. However, if the game is only available or free to play for a few days then still it’s not a bad deal. Why? Because on any other day, it will cost you to play the given game.

All you need is to check the website once a day whether any new games are listed on the list of Free Promotions.

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