Creatures Of Sonaria – How To Get Healer Kaiju & List Of Healers

Creatures Of SonariaIn Creatures Of Sonaria, if you have started the game for the first time; you are allowed to select a Kaiju animal out of three. One of the Kaiju was a healer which we all must have neglected since we are reading this post.

So, how can you get a healer Kaiju? Currently, at the time of writing the post, the Event mission requires you to heal the map crack and that is only possible by a Kaiju that has a healing ability. The problem is now how to get a healer Kaiju animal as it is not unlocked yet.

How To Get Or Unlock Healer Kaiju In Creatures Of Sonaria

Exit the current game and return back to the game’s main menu.

Instead of creating a creature first, go to Shop.

  1. In the Shop, you can either open Gacha to obtain new creatures and hope that they have Healing abilities.
  2. Or for guaranteed healing ability, you can pick specific Kaiju’s via Trial and complete the Event missions.

The second option is more cost-efficient as the amount of Shoom required is quite less. Additionally, you are guaranteed to get Healing ability unlike trusting the Gacha drop rate.


  • Select an Empty slot to create a creature.
  • Select the Kaiju that has healing ability which you have just unlocked such as Brequewk.

List of other Healing Kaiju’s and Trial value

  1. Brequewk 5 Shoom
  2. Kyiki20 Shoom
  3. Moonelle20 Shoom
  4. Nimoona 5 Shoom
  5. Flickaflie10 Shoom
  6. Laibonich40 Shoom
  7. Maiueve50 Shoom
  8. Mobuushiy80 Shoom
  9. Momola10 Shoom
  10. Veraiatrice80 Shoom
  11. Leurimess 100 Shoom
  12. Valkyrie500 Shoom
  13. Saukuryn250 Shoom
  14. Starknol150 Shoom
  15. Sylvesqual400 Shoom
  16. Ura800 Shoom
  17. Verdant Warden 400 Shoom
  18. Opralegion1200 Shoom
  19. Seradae150 Shoom
  20. Yggdragstyx1500 Shoom
  21. Mufolium 600 Shoom

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