Hard Time 3 – What Are The Ways To Increase Your Skill Or Stat?

Hard Time 3Hard Time 3 is a 2D prison adventure and simulator game where any bizarre things are happening every moment. My character started pissing on their pant as the game started. Guess before hearing my character didn’t get a chance to go to the Toilet. Soon, after that in the lobby, the wheelchair guy is running down everyone. This game is too hilarious and humorous as you spend each day carefully so that you do not increase the sentenced time.

To pass the time, you will need to do some activity and it is experienced that there are skills or stats gained after performing such activities. So in this guide, we have listed all the activities that you need to do to increase your stats legally and illegally.

What Are All The Ways To Increase Your Skill Or Stat In Hard Time 3?

If you are aware of the map layout, all you need is to go to certain areas to get some work done. Mostly, go to Yard where you will find the points of interest such as Punching Bag, Dumbells, and Basketball.

  • Punching Bag increases your Stamina. (Obviously, do some kicking and punching.)
  • Dumbells increase your Strength. (Pump the iron.)
  • Throw the basketball in the basket to gain random stat.
  • Run in the Yard to increase Agility.

Apart from the active stat, you can gain Reputation by talking to the inmates and doing favors or acting all friendly. Even talking and completing the tasks from the NPCs will increase your Reputation. Read the books and browse the Computer at the Library to increase your Intelligence.

Illegally if you have money, you can go to the Hospital and approach the Officer or Doctor to have them sell Steroids or Painkillers. This will increase your Strength but decrease your Stamina. Hope this helps you to survive in the prison more efficiently.

Check the guide on How to earn money or cash in Hard Time 3.

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