Hard Time 3 – How To Earn Money In Prison?

Hard Time 3Hard Time 3 is a 2D prison simulation game where your character is sentenced to serve in prison for a few weeks. The time of sentence will increase if you do not obey the rules as nobody will hear your plea. You are a common target for inmates and officers so better behave or show them who is the boss!

Money is a problem at the prison as you have limited funds from the beginning and everything is expensive. From bribing to feeding yourself, it costs money. So, the question is how to earn money in prison when it comes down to surviving.

How To Earn Money In Prison At Hard Time 3?

To earn money, you will need to craft anything in the Workshop. The information is legit as it is obtained from the Library itself by reading the book. In case you didn’t know, the Workshop is located next to the Yard or Library. Enter the Yard and there will be two doors that either lead to the Cafeteria or the Workshop. Similarly, enter the Library where there will be a door that leads you to the Workshop.

Once you enter the Workshop, it might be confusing at first as to what you need to do or craft. All you need to do is interact with the empty canvas to draw some pictures to earn 1$ each. There will be inmates to distract and disturb you but do not pay any heed and farm your cash.

Another way to earn money is to sell items that you find in the Workshop or anywhere around the prison except from the Cell blocks. Sometimes, you will even find Cash lying on the floor so grab it soon before anyone else puts it in their pocket.

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