Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 – Optimal Game Settings

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 is a multiplayer, action-adventure game where you are the embodiment of the Space Marines who have superhuman skill and abilities whereas they are also brutal against the relentless enemies of Mankind. The small stuttering or PC overheating is not acceptable when you are purging all the threats from existence. In this guide, we have listed all the settings that you need to change in order to experience seamless gaming while also exerting less load on your PC hardware.

Optimal Game Settings For Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

First and foremost, going all out and turning down all the settings to Low might be the practice we had for ages. Low graphic quality equals a high Frame rate. Well, it holds true when you are in a competitive FPS game. However, it’s been noticed that setting the Graphic quality to medium also works.

The important settings that you need to notch down would be the Shadows and Motion Blur. Instead of having your FPS fluctuating, cap it at 60 similar to consoles. While playing the game, make sure that the Render Resolution is in Performance mode. Change the display mode to Fullscreen.

Even if the settings are low, we experienced that the temperature of the PC went quite higher than it is supposed to be. To lower the temperature of your PC, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Control Panel
  2. Go to Hardware and Sound
  3. Go to Power Options
  4. Select Change Plan Settings on the desired performance status.
  5. Select Change Advanced Power settings.
  6. Under Advanced Settings, select Processor Power Management.
  7. Set Maximum processor state to 90% instead of 100%

This will decrease the load on your PC even when it is working at its peak performance. More guides and bug fixes for the game are listed below,

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