Core Keeper – Where To Place Skull Of The Corrupted Shaman

Core KeeperIn Core Keeper, the Ancient Core requires you to defeat three bosses to power it up. One of the bosses would be Malugaz The Corrupted. However, if you have explored the dungeon or biomes; you might notice that it is impossible to locate the boss. You must be thinking about why we are talking about the Boss Malugaz The Corrupted in the post where you want information on Skull of the Corrupted Shaman. Well, both are related! So, let’s dive in and learn where to place Skull of the Corrupted Shaman first.

Where To Place Skull Of The Corrupted Shaman In Core Keeper?

Considering you have the Skull of the Corrupted Shaman in your possession, you can go into the throne room that can be found in The Forgotten Ruins only. [On the map, it will be seen as a room that has a circular shape or simply a spherical room. In the center of the room, there will be a symbol engraved on the floor.]

On the symbol place a Skull of the Corrupted Shaman and it will summon the boss Malugaz The Corrupted. The Skull of the Corrupted Shaman will be consumed. Therefore, you can farm the Crystal Skull Shard to convert it into the Skull of the Corrupted Shaman and resummon Malugaz The Corrupted to fight again.

For more guides on Core Keeper, check below;

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