Core Keeper – NPC Habitable Room/House Requirements

Core KeeperIn Core Keeper, if you have defeated your bosses then they must have dropped a unique item that is used to place in a habitable room to bring in an NPC. So, it might be confusing as to what is known as a habitable room as there is no further information about it shown in the game. What do we need to make so that the room becomes habitable and lets the NPCs reside in it?

NPC Habitable Room/House Requirements For Core Keeper

There are 6 main requirements for the habitable room that you can build anywhere if you have satisfied the following conditions:

  1. The dimensions of your house should be a minimum of 3×3.
  2. The walls should be made of Wooden Walls atleast.
  3. The floor should be made of Wooden Floor atleast.
  4. There should be a Bed in the room.
  5. There should be a door for entry and exit in the room.
  6. The unique item for example – (Slime Oil) to spawn NPC should be placed inside the room.

You can opt to place Torch inside the room to illuminate and keep it warm but they still spawn inside the room with their own lantern. These NPCs are merchants that buy and sell items. Having access to the merchants or shops is always beneficial. So, now we know how to create a habitable room for the NPCs.

For more guides on Core Keeper, check below;

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