Black Myth Wukong – Chapter 1 Ending & Lore Explained

Black Myth Wukong

Black Myth Wukong is a game that is inspired by the Chinese mythology JTTW. Therefore, in this game, we will find many characters who bear the same or similar names and characteristics throughout the game and chapters. The chapter is designed intricately that hold profound meaning behind each action. The first chapter is named Black Cloud, Red Fire which means that there is no smoke without fire and there is no fire without smoke.

Chapter 1 Ending Explained In Black Myth Wukong

Black Myth WukongDuring the cutscene, we saw a small boy (Jinchi) going deep into the forest and meeting the black bear. Black Bear Guai pulls out a bag i.e. filled with gold coins and other valuable objects. The theme of the first chapter is set which is greed.

The first relic obtained in the game was Craving Eyes which is represented as an eye to see. It sees evil and good but often lusts at materialistic things that the world has to offer. Upon taking possession of one, we lust for more which is an endless cycle.

Who Was Black Bear Guai?

Black Bear Guai was a demon who cultivated and walked in the path of Dao. The Black Bear Guai went out and found a location that was rich in spiritual energy. Not soon after, he met a small harmless kid (Jinchi) whom he befriended. He was a spirit so, he always looked after Jinchi and stayed close together.

Black Myth WukongAs shown in the cutscene when Jinchi climbed the stairs of Guanyin Temple and in his Kasaya, the Black Bear Guai was together with Jinchi always assisting him through the path to reach the highest rank of monk.

KasayaElder Jinchi was obsessed with Kasaya. In the next scene, it’s shown that the number of Kasaya started to fly in the air which flaunts his collection. After defeating Elder Jinchi who is a secret boss in 1st chapter, he speaks “Kasaya collected…by the hundred…“, “Still one short…without his…“.

Who’s Kasaya Was Elder Jinchi Talking About?

This is a reference to the next cutscene which is where it’s seen that Wukong and Tang Sanzang reach Guanyin Temple during their journey to obtain the scriptures. The monks at Guanyin Temple were filled with greed and gathered massive wealth under the pretense of their teaching.

Tang Sanzang (Tripitaka) lets Elder Jinchi borrow the Kasaya as shown in the next cutscene. The Kasaya of Tang Sanzang was bestowed by Buddha which made it important and precious at the same time. Fascinated and awed by the true beauty of Kasaya, Elder Jinchi was overjoyed and plotted against the pilgrims.

Tang Sanzang is a reincarnation of Golden Cicada who was a disciple of Buddha. The transformation of Golden Cicada earlier in Chapter 1 foreshadows it.

Guang Zhi, Guang Mou, And Lingxuzi

Guang Zhi, Guang Mou, and Lingxuzi were the guardians assigned by Black Bear Guai or Black Wind who were the bosses guarding the bells each.

Guang Zhi and Guang Mou along with Elder Jinchi conspire to kill the pilgrims and steal the Kasaya. They planned to burn down the building where Tang Sanzang was asleep. They set up the fire as per their plan.

In desperation, Sun Wukong borrowed the Fireproof Mantle from Virupaksa (one of the four Heavenly Kings) to save Tripitaka. Seeing how they plotted against them, Sun Wukong spread the fire into the whole temple in rage.

Black Bear Guai, who saw that the Guanyin Temple was on fire; returned to Elder Jinchi. Upon seeing the Kasaya, greed takes over him and he steals the Kasaya from Elder Jinchi and flies away from the scene.

Elder JinchiDuring the final part of the cutscene, it’s shown that Elder Jinchi died in the fire as the smoke took the form of Elder Jinchi and faded away. After learning that his attempt to assassinate the pilgrims failed and the Guanyin Temple was burning to the ground, he ended his life.

Wukong sitting on a treeLater, Wukong is seen sitting on a tree looking at all the smoke coming out of the red flames.

How Wukong Defeated Black Bear Guai?

Sun Wukong fought countless times with Black Bear Guai to get back his master’s Kasaya. However, every time Black Bear Guai escaped from his grasp; frustrated Wukong sought help from Guan Yin. Acknowledging all the foul deeds that happened under her domain, she agreed to help Wukong and transformed into Lingxuzi to fool Black Bear Guai.

The real Lingxuzi was killed by Sun Wukong who was preparing the magical pill for Black Bear Guai. Master of transformation, Sun Wukong took the form of a pill and Lingxuzi offered the pill to Black Bear Guai. After consuming the pill, Wukong returned to normal and started to wreak havoc inside his body.

Finally, the Black Bear Guai surrendered and Guan Yin crowned him similar to the Wukong’s enchanted headband. This was one of the artifacts that Buddha gifted Guan Yin. Later Black Bear Guai was taken by Guan Yin to Mount Putuo where he became the mountain’s guardian deity.

Second Cutscene

Black Myth WukongIn the next cutscene, we saw Black Bear Guai talking to his master who is none other than Guan Yin. The Black Bear Guai will have a similar headband on his head. He asks about his old friend Elder Jinchi who succumbed to greed even though he has everything in his possession.

What does how shall they show the world their ties are cut, and their lust is quelled?” mean

Guan Yin answered,

"Bereft of that kasaya"
"how shall they show the world their ties are cut, and their lust is quelled?"

The sentence is a metaphor that holds deep meaning about growth and maturity.

The connection to the world needs to be severed in order to have their lust or urges to be controlled or satisfied. To gain control or self-control over their desires, they must lack desire.

The endless cycle of greed which in this case was Kasaya for Elder Jinchi. Even though he had collected Tripitaka’s Kasaya, the greed for another would still linger in his eye and it would go on endlessly until you are stripped of that kasaya (desire).

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