Crime Scene Cleaner – Party’s Over All Secrets & Cassettes

Crime Scene CleanerIn one of the finest chapters of Crime Scene Cleaner, Big Jim’s daughter hosted a party that ended badly. Now there is only one clean-up crew who they trust and you trust that there should be a huge opportunity to earn money from the stolen items. To uncover the secret location and cassettes that can be found potentially, we have presented a guide that will direct you toward the correct path.

All Secret Location In Party’s Over For The Crime Scene Cleaner

Secret #1

If you count the Cabins from the right; go to the back side of the first Cabin where the burnt body is found next to the door. On the back side, there will be a wooden door at the corner of the boundary that can be smashed. Break the door and enter the secret room where they grew weed.

Secret #2

In the Outdoor area, approach the Cabin side i.e. under maintenance. In the corner of the raised deck i.e. in front of the cabin that is under maintenance, there will be a hidden route which will lead you to the secret spot. The hidden route will be hard to spot from all the overgrown grass i.e. at the Cabins area.


  1. Atarak– It can be found in the TV room at Party House placed on top of the TV table.
  2. Alindo– It can be found on the sitting bench at Secret Spot.
  3. Lysander Eyes– It can be found in the First Cabin’s bathroom.

For more guides on Secrets, we have listed all the previous posts below:

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