Crime Scene Cleaner – Friendly Fire All Secrets & Cassettes

Crime Scene CleanerIn this chapter of Crime Scene Cleaner, sadly you are in Tyler’s Apartment. This means that Tyler is long gone and now you have to clean everything in his apartment. As a stone-cold cleaner/janitor, it’s your task to complete the job and earn money as you already have a priority set. Let’s get down to business and find all the secrets that Tyler hides. There are a total of 2 secret locations and 2 cassettes in this chapter.

Friendly Fire All Secrets In Crime Scene Cleaner

Secret #1

Crime Scene CleanerIn the projector room or first room, after organizing everything there will be bookshelves in the corner as shown in the image above i.e. beside the table where plant pots are placed or furniture.

Get close to the shelves and interact with the cabinet door on ground level. This will reveal the first secret location.

Secret #2

There is a secret vent in the bathroom area. Climb on top of the dryer or washing machine to access the vent. Collect the secret stash.


  1. TylerHipHop (Rickafella Originals)– In the Kitchen Area, check the shelves.
  2. Garnachhio (TrishAAA)- In the Music room where Trisha’s corpse is found, there will be a cassette on the table next to the piano.

For more guides on Stealing and Secrets, we have listed all the previous posts below:

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