Lorelei And The Laser Eyes – How To Solve The Panel Puzzle

Lorelei And The Laser EyesIn Lorelei And The Laser Eyes, there is a shroud of mystery that revolves around the mansion in central Europe. It is common to not let any uninvited and unwanted guest into a property or a vicinity. Only the intellectual human likely Lorelei can crack all the codes whose clues are spread across the property. Some are tough to crack whereas few are easy to solve.

After unlocking the Electrical Circuit in the Gatehouse Door, you will encounter a Panel puzzle. If solved correctly, it will unlock the front gate that will allow you to enter the property. Here’s what you need to know and do!

How To Solve The Panel Puzzle At Lorelei And The Laser Eyes?

To provide you with a solution, this would be the problem you will encounter with:

Lorelei And The Laser EyesSo, the first three tunes or sections are numbers that you need to point or select in order to give you the product i.e. the final number. Above the second and third sections, you will notice the “+” sign which notifies you that you need to add the numbers.

The number you need to achieve is 2014. Therefore, the number you have to select is:

  1. 1372
  2. 620
  3. 22

Finally press the 2014 button which will unlock the front gate of the hotel. Phew, all this work, and now we have only progressed through the front gate of the property. For more informative guides on Lorelei And The Laser Eyes, check the list of contents that has solutions and hints on how to decode it.

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