Nightingale – Lineage And What Is Its Importance?

NightingaleNightingale is an open-world survival game that allows the player to experience the realms solo or with their friends. However, one cannot enter the world without customizing your character. During character customization, selecting the Lineage option and assigning them from the pre-mades might arise a question. Why are we doing this or what importance does your Lineage holds? Does it give any unique traits or combat skills?

Lineage In Nightingale, What Is Its Importance?

Lineage is a unique feature for players who are thorough and loves to customize their characters but they do not want to invest lots of their time customizing rather than playing. The premade options for the selection of Lineage helps in this regard.

The Lineage feature allows player to select a set of Grandparents and assign them according to their looks and ethnicity. After selecting the desired Lineage or Family Tree, you can inherit the facial structure unique to your Lineage at “Inheritance” section. Select the grid in the Inheritance and customise your characters looks or appearance as he/she will depart on the long journey between the realms.

Apart from character customization, Lineage does not give any new skill or affect your gameplay by any means. The next Step i.e. 2 will allow customizing the color and shape of your character skin, hair, eyes, mouth, etc. However, the facial structure can only be altered at Inheritance. So, if you have a whole lineage of gorgeous grandparents then as an offspring; you will have the liberty to inherit their distinct looks.

If you are struggling to solve the Puzzle Core or craft ammo for the Slingbow then check our previous guide on Nightingale.

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