Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince – Gem Slime Synthesis

Dragon quest monsters the dark prince

In Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince, Gem Slime is one of the A Rank monsters that has the best defense stats and abilities. You can obtain this monster only through synthesis. To get Gem Slime you need to synthesize Metal King Slime + Balhib. If you have the Mole Hole DLC, synthesizing the monster will be faster. Below you will find a list of monsters required to get Gem Slime.

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince – How To Get A Rank Gem Slime Through Synthesis

  • Metal King Slime – Liquid Metal Slime + Liquid Metal Slime (You can find Metal King Slime and Liquid Metal Slime in Circle of Temper, Upper Echelon area)
  • Liquid Metal Slime – Metal Slime + Metal Slime (You can find Metal Slime in the Circle of Fortitude, Middle Echelon area. You can also exchange 10 mini medals for 1 metal slime).

To get Balhib you need four different monsters which are Magmalice, Firn Fiend, Coralossus, and Stone Golem. You need to synthesize Magmalice and Firn Fiend to get X. The fuse Coralossus and Stone Golem to get Y. Then fuse X+Y to get Balhib.

  • Balhib – (Magmalice + Firn Fiend) + (Coralossus + Stone Golem)
  • Magmalice – Rockbomb + Any Dragon Monster
  • Rockbomb – Material Monster + Demon Mosnter ( Any one of the monsters should be E Rank. You can also find Rockbomb in the Circle of Temper, Middle Echelon area).
  • Firn Fiend – Rockbomb + Undead Monster. ( You can also find Firn Fiend in the Circle of Temper, Upper Echelon area).
  • Coralossus – Material Monster + Nature Monster (One of the monsters needs to be D Rank)
  • Stone Golem – Chocolate Golem + Rubble Slime
  • Chocolate Golem – Mud Mannequin + Goonache Goodie
  • Mud Mannequin – Sacsquatch + Woebergine
  • Sacksquatch – Material Monster + Undead Monster (One of the monsters needs to be G Rank)
  • Woebergine – Ornery Onion + Fright Bulb
  • Ornery Onion – Nature Monster + Demon Monster (One of the monsters needs to be G Rank)
  • Fright Bulb – Slime Monster + Demon Monster (One of the monsters needs to be G Rank)
  • Goonache Goodie – Shell Slime + Fromage Fray
  • Shell Slime – Slime Monster + Beast Monster  (One of the monsters needs to be G Rank)
  • Fromage Fray – Sacksquatch + Ghost
  • Ghost – Soft Serve Spook + Sham Hatwitch
  • Soft Serve Spook – Undead Monster + Slime Monster (One of the monsters needs to be G Rank)
  • Sham Hatwitch – Beast Monster + Dragon Monster (One of the monsters needs to be G Rank)
  • Rubble Slime – Mottle Slime + Mudraker
  • Mottle Slime – Slime + Beast Monster
  • Mudraker – Mud Mannequin + Undead Monster

After obtaining Balhib, synthesize it with the Metal King Slime to get Gem Slime.

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