Lego Fortnite- Where to find Shells/Roller & upgrade crafting bench

Lego FortniteAs we venture into the open world of Lego Fortnite, we are welcomed by the Brite Bomber and taught basics on how to survive in the world. There would be a series of tasks that need to be completed to progress and learn about the new world we are in. Starving and deserted, you will need to take care of yourself. How to do it I may presume? By gathering all the resources you can find in this world of Lego.

Where To Find Shells/Roller To Upgrade Crafting Bench In Lego Fortnite?

After learning how to build the Campfire, Shacks, and Bed; we are allowed to install a Crafting Bench in our shack. We can build tools to let us harvest resources quickly. The tools can be your first weapon of offense until you get yourself a Shortsword made of wood.

Lego FortniteShells are quite tricky to get if you are avoiding all the encounters in the world. There will be a Roller found in the Grasslands which is a type of stone crab as shown in the image above that can roll forward to attack you. Dodge or block it with your shield to stun and damage it to kill. These rollers drop Shells which will be used to upgrade the Crafting Bench into an Uncommon rarity.

Collect resources to quickly upgrade the Crafting Bench to get stronger and explore the vast Lego World has to offer. For more informative guides on Lego Fortnite, check on the links that have been mentioned below the description:

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