Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince Slionheart Synthesis

Dragon quest monsters the dark prince

In Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince, you will find various types of monsters with different ranks, traits, and skills. You could fuse these monsters through a feature called Synthesis and get better monsters in your team.

One of the best healer monsters you can add to your party is the Slionheart. You need to fuse a few monsters first before making the final synthesis to get the Slionheart monster. Below you will find a brief guide on how to synthesize or fuse the Slionheart monster.

Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince How To Fuse Slionheart Synthesis Guide

To get the Slionheart monster you will have to synthesize the Shogum and Superior Slime. Getting the Superior Slime will be easy but to get Shogum at an early level can be a difficult task. With the Mole Hole DLC, it will be easier for you to find synthesized monsters directly and get Slionheart quickly.

The first monster you will need is the She Slime, to get this slime you need to fuse any slime with a demon monster and one of them must be of F rank. The next step is to get a Behemoth Slime, you need to fuse any slime monster with a dragon monster, and one of them must be rank E.

Fuse Behemoth Slime with She Slime to get Beshemoth Slime. After this, you need to get the Metal Slime Knight. You will need a metal slime and slime knight and fuse them to get the Metal Slime Knight.

If you are early stages of the game, you can get a metal slime by exchanging it for 10 mini-medals. To get a slime knight you can fuse Leery Lout and Slime Stack. To get a slime stack you will have to fuse a slime and foo dog.

Finally, to get the Shogum you will need to fuse Metal Slime Knight and Beshemoth Slim. To get a superior slime you will have to fuse Mohawker and wild slime. To get a Wild Slime is to fuse a slime with a beast-type monster and one of them must be rank D.

To get a Mohawker you will have to fuse a beast and a material monster and one of them must be rank B. Check out a Japanese website link HERE to find the detailed guide on Slionheart and how to get all synthesis monsters to get it. Fuse Wild Slime and Mohawker to get a Superior Slime. Finally, fuse Shogum and Superior Slime to get Slionheart.

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