Steamworld Build – Location Of First Piece Of Old Tech

Steamworld Build

In Steamworld Build, the first piece of old tech can be found in the Dusty Caverns the first mine area. At the bottom right side of the screen, you can find a mini-map. The location of the tech is already shown on the map, but to reach the old tech, you need to dig a lot of dirt, and sandstone, find switches, and a certain number of miners. Below you will find a brief guide on how to find the first piece of old tech and reach it.

Steamworld Build – Location Of First Piece Of Old Tech

First Piece Of Old Tech

To reach the old tech keep digging the dirt using your miners. Before reaching the old tech you will find a locked door and two cables coming out of it. You need to follow the cable line and reach the lever to power up the door and open it.

The most important structure you will require is the bridge. These levers will be located in areas inaccessible without making a bridge. To cost to build one tile of bridge is 200x Money, 2x Board, 2x Metal Sheet. Keep following the cable lines to reach the lever and turn it on. After turning on both the switches you will unlock the door.

Go through the door to find the old tech that can be extracted by using 6 miners. To increase the number of miners, you need to expand your miner quarters. Once you have employed 6 miners, click the old tech to extract it. Keep advancing from the first old tech to find the second part. There are three mine levels and each mine area has two old tech parts.

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