Roblox Pet Simulator 99 – How To Get Nametags & Rename Pets

Pet Simulator 99

In Roblox Pet Simulator 99, you can have up to 99 active pets in your team. These pets will farm resources for you that can be used to purchase new items, unlock new area,s and hatch eggs. One of the legendary items you can find in this game is the Nametag. Below you will find a brief guide on how get the nametag and change pet name.

Roblox Pet Simulator 99 – How To Get Nametags & Rename Pets

The Nametags are legendary items that can be used to rename your pets in this game. To rename your pets, simply select the nametag from your inventory and you will find the list of pets you own. Select a pet and press confirm to change its name. Now enter the name in the box to change your pet name.

If you find a bug and cannot rename your pet by clicking your mouse on it, I recommend you use a controller. Sometimes while choosing a pet to rename by clicking on it with a mouse, doesn’t show up the confirm button.

While hovering your mouse on the legendary item nametag, you can find the description not to name your pet Joe. Renaming a pet in your active team will remove it and you need to add them again to the team. If you name your Joe, it will be changed to Joe Mama.

Nametags can be found from random drops by the chance it obtain it is extremely rare as it is a legendary item. You can also obtain them from rewards or by completing the dungeons. You can also complete an achievement “Reely Ridiculous” to get 5x Nametags.

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