Reverse 1999 How To Do Puppy & Hippie Pickles Event Guide
In Reverse 1999, the latest event is the Puppy and the Hippe in Theft of the Rimet Cup. In this event, you need to move Pickles, APPle, and Digger to the goal area in a limited number of steps. There is a total of 14 puzzles that you need to complete. Below you will find a guide on how to complete all the puzzles.
Reverse 1999 How To Do Puppy & Hippie Pickles Event Puzzle Guide
Using the image and the direction above all the solutions to the event puzzle will be mentioned.
A Warm Call – Left, Left, Right, Left, Left, Up, Left, Up, Up, Left, Right, Up, Up, Left, Up, and Up.
A Floating APPLe Pie – Pickles (Left, throw the item down, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Right), APPle (Up, Up, Right, Right, Up, Up, Right, Right, Up, Right)
Relativity of Misunderstanding – Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, throw the item right-up side, Up, Up, Up, Left.
Bubble Crash – Digger Moves (Right, Right, throw the item down-left), Pickles moves towards goal, Digger Moves (Left, Left, Up, Up, Right, Left, Left, Left, Down towards the goal)
C1 Best Partners – Pickles Down, throw item down left, APPle Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Right, Up, Pickles Up, Up, Up, Left, Up.
C2 All The Extras – Left, Up, Left, Left, Left, Up, Right, throw item Up-right tile, Up, Left, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Right, Down, Right, Right, Right, Up, throw item at down-right tile, Right, Up, Left, Up, Up, Right, Right.
C3 The Art Of Evacuation – Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down, Left, Left, Left, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up, Up, Right, Up, Up, Right, Left, Up, Right, Right, Up.
A Shoe Left Behind – Pickles (Up, Down, Up), Diggers (Up, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up), Pickles (Up, Up), Diggers (Down, Right, Right, Up, throw the item on down-left tile, Up, Right) Pickles ( Up, Up, Up, Up, Right)
A Planner with No Plan – Diggers ( Left, Left, throw the item on the left tile, Right, Right, Up, Right) Pickles (Left), Diggers (Up, throw the item on left tile, Down, Left, Left, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right), Pickles (Left, Up, Left, Left, Up, Up, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right)
Bouncy Ball – Diggers (Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, throw the item in down-right tile) Pickles (Up, Up, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Left), Diggers (Down, Left, Left, Up, Up, Up, Up, Left).
Transfer Ceremony – Pickles (Up, Up, throw the item at the right tile) Diggers (Down, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left) Pickles (Down, Up, Left, Up, Left).
C4 Living the Past Again – Left, Left, Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, Up, Left, Up, Up, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Up, Right.
C5 Plan of Escape – Pickles ( Right, Right) Diggers ( Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down) Pickles (Right, Left, Right, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down).