Super Mario RPG Remake- Triathlon Puzzle Solution

Super Mario RPG RemakeIn Super Mario RPG Remake, there are various types of puzzles that you need to solve in order to progress through the game. One of the puzzles encountered in Bowser’s Keep involves a puzzle related to Triathlon. There are a series of statements from which you need to find the solution and assign their rankings. What are the rankings or solutions for the Triathlon Puzzle?

Triathlon Puzzle Solution For Super Mario RPG Remake

The Triathlon puzzle includes you to find the ranking of each participant. The Triathlon includes Swimming, Cycling, and a Marathon. The phrases said by each character are randomized however the rank is linked with the phrase. Therefore if you want to know their ranking, you must talk and learn what phrase are they saying.

  • I fell into fourth place during the bike race, but finally ended up in the same place as I did in the swimming event.
  • I outdid ____ both on my bike and in the final rankings!
  • I came in third for swimming, and never did better in the events after that…
  • I placed the same in the swimming and cycling events, but two others beat me in the marathon.

Now, you have to determine who came first, second, third, and fourth. The participant who has spoken the phrases will be ranked as follows:

  1. I outdid ____ both on my bike and in the final rankings!
  2. I fell into fourth place during the bike race, but finally ended up in the same place as I did in the swimming event.
  3. I placed the same in the swimming and cycling events, but two others beat me in the marathon.
  4. I came in third for swimming, and never did better in the events after that…

After selecting the current ranking by phrase as shown below, you will clear the Triathlon puzzle. For more informative guides on Super Mario RPG Remake, check on the links that have been provided below the description:

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