The Last Faith All Left Hand Weapons & Firearms Location

The Last Faith

In The Last Faith, you will find various types of weapons, firearms, and spells. To obtain these types of equipment you will have to explore the different areas. There are two types of weapons primary which you equip in your right hand and secondary such as firearms and spells which you equip in your left hand. You can check out our previous guide on where to find all right-hand primary weapons.

In your left hand, you will equip firearms that cost bullets and spells that cost mana upon using them. You can check out our previous guide on the location of all spells. Below you will find a brief guide on all secondary pistols and bow locations.

The Last Faith All Left-Hand Weapons & Bow Location

Blackhall’s Double Menace

In the City Of Erlim, you will find a treasure chest as marked in the location above. To reach this treasure you need to dodge the explosions. Use your Ariel Dash to cross the area quickly and reach the treasure. Inside the chest, you will find the dual pistol.


After crossing the Marshland of Shadows, you will reach the City OF Erlim. You will find a boss called “Starborn Nighthunter” at the location marked in the above image. After defeating the boss you will unlock an achievement called “Nemesis” and also obtain the Doppieta pistol.

Federal Admiral’s Cannon

In The Junas Ministry, visit the location marked in the above image to find Federal Admiral’s Cannon. You need to kill a bunch of enemies to reach the treasure chest containing this weapon.

Hexabarrel Repeater

In Liturgical Pass, break the fake wall as shown in the image above to find a treasure chest. Inside the chest, you will find this firearm.

Leena’s Bow

After progressing through the game you will find this weapon in Mariano’s shop. You can find Mariano on the left side room of Oxnevyelle’s Manor. The cost of the weapon is 9500 Nycrux.

Nightbane Pistol

You will get this pistol in Oxnevyelle’s Manor after interacting with the NPC Mark. After obtaining all the firearms you will unlock an achievement called “Armed To The Teeth”.

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