Cities Skylines 2- How To Add And Remove Crosswalks

Cities Skylines 2In Cities Skylines 2, you can control the pace of the game, design, and implement your imagination into the screen. Systematically, you will have to build a suitable working infrastructure when it’s needed and satisfy the needs of people that reside in your Metropolis. As in real life, crosswalks at crossroads are necessary to cross the intersection safely. Therefore, if you are struggling to remove an existing crosswalk or add it in certain places. Here’s what you need to do!

How To Add And Remove Crosswalks In Cities Skylines 2

Once the road is built, you can opt to add crosswalks i.e. found under the Roads option, and select Road Services. To add the crosswalk, you will need to select the Crosswalk and simply Left-click on the road. However, to remove the crosswalk, all you need to do is Right-click on the existing crosswalk in the road.

Pedestrian crossing is important at the junction near commercial zones or at residential areas. Depending on your foot traffic, it is a nice practice to build a crosswalk so that you might not want your residents to see jaywalking and suffer an accident. Proper planning in the safety department is also necessary to look for.

For more informative guides on Cities Skylines 2, click on the link that has been mentioned below the description:

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