Cities Skylines 2- All Road Tools Explained And Uses

Cities Skylines 2Cities Skylines 2 can be overwhelming at the beginning when you start the game and look at all the available options to tinker. While building the metropolis, there are various tools that will be used throughout the sim from start to end. The road tools that are available in the form of Tool Mode, Elevation, Parallel Mode, and Snap Options at the bottom left side of the screen are explained in this guide.

All Road Tools Explained And Uses In Cities Skylines 2

Road Tools
  • Straight: It is self-explanatory and builds a straight road from Point A to B.
  • Simple Curve: Define an end point from the starting point. Click to assign the endpoint and then bend the road according to your planning. Used in connecting roads i.e. 90 degrees with each other.
  • Complex Curve: Similar to a Simple Curve but with an extra bending option. Used in connecting roads i.e. parallel to each other.
  • Continuous: It is an optional tool i.e. widely used to connect or build roads while creating multiple bends.
  • Grid: Define a starting point and an endpoint from a new or existing road to create an automated generated grid road type. While using this tool, it will place traffic lights automatically which can be manually removed. (under Road Services)
  • Replace: This tool will allow to replace the existing road type with a new road type.

It is used to set and customize the elevation of the road. The value will be set to multiples of 10m. It can be halved by adjusting or decreasing the Elevation steps by 1 step. Similarly, if you decrease another step, it will half the set value successively.

If the elevation value is 7.5m or less than that then there will be no bridge or gap under the elevation. If the elevation value is over 7.5m then the bridge can be assigned giving you more space to work.

Parallel Mode

Widely used in Highways, you can increase or decrease offset value to determine the gap between the parallel roads. It can also be used to increase the offset value to create a railway track next to the existing road.

Snap Options
  • Toggle All Snapping: This option will toggle all the snapping ON/OFF.
  • Snap To Existing Geometry: This option will snap your cursor on the existing infrastructure when it comes in close proximity. For example: when the road is built, the cursor will automatically snap on the road when the cursor comes in close proximity.
  • Snap To Zoning Cell Length: If this option is enabled then it will snap your cursor to the next cell length. For example: when the road is built, there will be boxes on each side. The boxes are known as cells.
  • Snap To 90 Degree Angles: If this option is enabled then it will snap your cursor to the exact 90-degree angle while constructing a road.
  • Snap To The Sides Of A Building: If this option is enabled then it will snap your cursor to the end of the building area. This allows you to build a straight road without worrying about overlapping or trespassing on the edges of a building.
  • Snap To Guide Lines: If this option is enabled then the cursor will snap to the guide lines of the road. For better use, you can turn off “Snap to Zoning Cell Length” and now you can guide the cursor from the center of the road instead of guided paths. It is often recommended when constructing roads to turn off the snapping of guidelines so that the zone grid will not break.
  • Snap To Zone Grid: If this option is enabled then the cursor will snap to the edge of the grids automatically.
  • Show Contour Lines: If this option is enabled then the steepness of the land will be visible. This makes planning and designing much better to take advantage of the natural slopes.

Using these road tools, you can create working infrastructures and traffic that work seamlessly in Cities Skylines 2. If you have read the complete guide, then you can get onto the sim builder and create your own wide successful Metropolis. For more informative guides on Cities Skylines 2, click on the link that has been mentioned below the description:

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