Marvel’s Spiderman 2- Brooklyn Vision #3 (Senior Prank) Guide

Marvel's Spider-Man 2In Marvel’s Spiderman 2, there are a bunch of side quests that you can opt to complete in order to get XPs, Tech Parts, and City Tokens as a reward. One of the side quests i.e. concentrated on Brooklyn Visions Academy where Miles Morales attends his classes has incurred severe problems that require the attention of the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Completion of Senior Prank i.e. part of the 3rd Brooklyn Visions side quest, rewards you 1000 XP, 80 Tech Parts, and 8 City Tokens. Here’s what you need to do!

Brooklyn Visions #3 (Senior Prank) Side Quest Guide For Marvel’s Spiderman 2

Go to the marker where two students will point out towards note that has a first clue written as mentioned below:

           SHOULD STEER

Head To The First Location

As pointed out by the student, you will have to go to Stuart Building which will be marked on your screen.

Solve The First Puzzle

You will find the note on a table from where the purple-colored beam is projected. The Note will say:


  • To solve the puzzle, pull the first mirror to reflect the light onto the next mirror.
  • The next mirror will throw the light away from the roof.
  • You can fix it up and change the angle by rotating the mirror.
  • Next, break the box i.e. blocking the light.
  • The next mirror will project the light toward the direction of the light source.
  • Instead of pulling all the way back, stand on the rail path and pull the cart halfway back in order to force the light to reflect from the tripod i.e. placed in front of the Mural.

This will light up the Mural and reveal the hidden message i.e.

We BIPOC artists are birds of a feather.
To find the next clue, Allaband together.

Head To The Second Location

Hailey will solve the riddle, which will mark the location where you need to go.

Solve The Second Puzzle

You will find a similar projector i.e. projecting light to the wall currently. There are 3 areas in total where you will need to work from. Follow the instructions to solve the puzzle:

1st Area
  • Rotate the mirror 180 degrees.
  • Move the green cart out of the way i.e. obstructing the beam.
  • The light will reflect perfectly till the last mirror which is faced on the other side.
  • Rotate the mirror once and it will bounce the light onto the next mirror.
2nd Area
  • Instead of changing the angle of the mirror, pull the green cart on the light path.
  • Rotate the mirror once to project light toward the trash can.
  • Pull the green cart to reflect the light onto the next mirror i.e. located on the side of the stairs.
3rd Area
  • Rotate the mirror twice so that it reflects to the mirror placed in the green cart.
  • Pull the green cart all the way to the wall to project the light on the other mirror.

This will solve the puzzle by revealing the Mural i.e. written:

The competition is stiff, but your tactics are stale.
The greatest in the region shall soon prevail.

Head To The Third Location

After consulting with Hailey, go to the marked location where the third puzzle will be set to solve.

Solve The Third Puzzle

The puzzle is divided into two parts i.e. Red Path and Blue Path.

Red Path
  • Rotate the mirror to project the light source on the red path.
  • The three successive mirrors will redirect the light down, where you can change the angle of the mirror.
  • Rotate the next mirror towards the red path i.e. marked on the ground.
  • The quick succession of mirrors will focus the light on the next building.
Next Building
  • Turn the mirror to the red path where the red-colored mirror will be placed close to it.
  • The quick succession of mirrors will redirect the light back to the previous building.
  • Rotate the mirror in such a way that it falls on the next red mirror to light up the mural painting.
Blue Path
  • Rotate the mirror to project the light source on the blue path.
  • The three successive mirrors will redirect the light down, where you can change the angle of the mirror.
  • Rotate the mirror opposite to the tank to redirect the light onto the next mirror.
  • Rotate the next mirror towards the blue path i.e. marked on the ground.
Next Building
  • The redirected light will fall on the mirror placed at the next building.
  • Rotate the mirror to redirect the light on the blue mirror i.e. next to it.
  • Break the box.
  • The quick succession of mirrors will reflect the light back to the starting location.
  • Swing back, and rotate the mirror to focus light on the mural painting.
Go To Lance!

Go to the marked location.

Save Lance

Rotate the wheel i.e. placed on top of the right banner. Pick up “Lance the Lion” mascot on your back and swing back to the marked location to complete the mission.

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