Book Of Hours- How To Play And Get Out Off Beach

Book Of HoursBook Of Hours is a single-player card exploration game where you start at a lonely beach stranded with no memories. After getting up all the UI might seem to be overwhelming but once you get a hang of it, this game is fun. So, in this guide, we have explained how to play and get out off the first beach and enter the Brancrug Village.

How To Play And Get Out Off Beach In Book Of Hours

There are blank slots currently at the beginning which will be filled up when you progress gradually. What we need to learn is the basics of how to interact and what to enter at specific slots. In the beginning, the eye icon i.e. Consider option consists of 3 cards. Collect it all.

Salvage the book or Journal first and then choose the Memory you have i.e. Memory: Storm. Now, you will get additional Souls, choose any because it doesn’t matter currently as you will own all the types ahead.

Use “Consider” and again insert the Journal and the Fatigued Soul to obtain the Refreshed Soul along with other cards. Repeat the same process and collect another Refreshed Soul. Now, you must have obtained a Sundries and a new option to “Talk“.

New Option To Talk

Use “Talk” and insert the Soul i.e. highlighted to progress ahead and summon the Fisherman’s Assistant. The next thing you need to know is about all the aspects. The aspects are shown under the description of what you have and what is needed.

Click on the locked icon that leads you to Brancrug Village out from the beach. There will be a Guidance empty slot. Click on it and the aspects required or forbidden will appear on top of the window. Next, click on Fisherman’s Assistance card which will have the Forbidden Aspect.

Note: To learn more about Aspect check out the tutorial guide.

Now you will have to remove the Forbidden Aspect by talking to him. Use “Talk” and select Fisherman’s Assistance card along with An Old Friend’s Address. Once you talk it out, the sceptical aspect will be gone and now you can proceed to the Brancrug Village.

Important Tips

Keep on uncovering your Journal and look out for the aspects i.e. required and forbidden. Aspects are the core mechanics of the game.

The assistance can be obtained by using a coin which you will later in the Town.

Finally, read the chapter you uncover, and do not fast forward as there is the knowledge you gain through it.

For more informative guides on Book Of Hours, click on the link that has been mentioned below the description:

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