Punch Club 2 Fast Forward All Achievement List

Punch Club 2 Fast Forward

In an impressive span of 8 years, Lazy Bear Games, the developers, have made a stunning comeback with “Punch Club 2: Fast Forward.” Just released for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, the game has generated quite a buzz. As an advanced addition to the Punch Club franchise, the entire game revolves around rigorous training and brutal fighting. This single-player adventure boxing management tycoon game treats fans to enhanced graphics and a new storyline. So, players, get ready, as the game offers various achievement tags that you can earn by completing different missions.

Punch Club 2: Fast Forward All Achievement List

What an unusual dream…: Embark on a journey to uncover the truth about your father’s identity in the captivating prologue sequence.

Your Initial Conflict: Relive the intense feeling of your trembling arms after the initial altercation at Apu’s shop.

Virtuous Chip: Experience the wonder of a mind-reading device as you undergo the scene at the police station to have the chip implanted.

First Place: Feel the surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins as you achieve your first glorious victory in the boxing ring.

Initial Employment: Discover the ease of finding a job by working at Noodle Man, Bobo, or Russian Junkyard.

Hello, Universe!: Install your first software obtained from Emmit, Bobo, Silver, and others on the computer.

Depressed Visitor: Encounter K, the mysterious ex-cop, at Club Street/Noodle shop, leaving you intrigued by his enigmatic presence.

Neurotrainer: Experience the power of the Neurotrainer at Silver’s Gym, realizing that mental training is just as essential as physical workouts.

Old Movies Enjoyer: Delight in the marvels of VHS films by purchasing your first VHS tape from Apu for $100.

Intriguing Candies: Discover the calming effects of intriguing candies that help your mom sleep better.

Your Own Amateur Gym: Take the first step towards building your gym by purchasing your first trainer from Grisha at Junkyard for $150.

Run K, Run!: Unravel the past as you meet Casey, who could hold clues to finding your long-lost father, after defeating Skinny Jenkins (rank 7) at Silver League.

No Bullying More: Take the first step towards building your gym by purchasing your first trainer from Grisha at Junkyard for $150.

Pal of Your Father?: Unravel the past as you meet Casey, who could hold clues to finding your long-lost father, after defeating Skinny Jenkins (rank 7) at Silver League.

Spirit of the Past: Explore strange feelings and uncover the spirit of the past as you visit Mick’s House following your meeting with Casey.

Little Hacker: Master the art of using backdoors and employ Bobo’s skills to manipulate fight results.

Law Student: Begin your journey to becoming a law student by learning the city’s law at the police station, citing chapter 3, paragraph 5, article 21.

Handyman: Revamp the gym and showcase your handyman skills.

It’s Good to Be Alive: Summon Mick from the Graveyard after obtaining hardware from Emmit and acquiring the passcode from Casey at the sewer.

Own Four Walls: Summon Mick from the Graveyard after obtaining hardware from Emmit and acquiring the passcode from Casey at the sewer.

Escaped from a Big Trouble: Successfully aiding a person in need earns you a new student.

Mysterious Voice: An alluring and confident voice captivates your attention, despite its mysterious origins.

Guiding on the Right Path: Your guidance inspires a young individual who now becomes your student.

Now You Are Worthy: Obtain the airpod left and right at the sewer and offer it to the monk to demonstrate your usefulness.

Underground Dwellers: Engage in combat against the tinfoil guy in the sewer.

The Die is Cast: You made your choice, and it was definitely worth it.

Mom Got Better: You are happy to see your mother’s smile again…

Responsible Approach: You have convinced a doubting one; he is your student now.

Get Out of My Apartment!: You have proven yourself in the police. You will be better now on patrol.

No Blades in the Gym: You have proven yourself in the police. You will be better now at paperwork.

Deal with Life: Now it’s your turn to take care of your mom’s health. It’s just the cycle that she did for you.

Poisoned Fighter: It’s your lucky day that you’re not him.

The Only Right Decision: A proud son of a proud dad.

Another World: Don’t stay here for long; otherwise, your eyes will get tired.

The Heart of the Resistance: This place holds many answers to your unraveled questions.

The Last Bell Ring: You have proven yourself in the police. You will be better in a relationship with colleagues.

Seashell Hunter: Embark on a quest to find lost shells and make Apu happy.


Key Memories: You’ve done your own investigation and now you know the city’s working process.

The Lonesome Road: You took your first trip outside the Town!

Problems of Cyborgs: Your leather fist is stronger than his metal things.

Gang Wrangler: Be a dragon-like Kazuma Kiryu.

Not Little Hacker: You don’t know how it happened, but somehow you deal with things like that.

Keep Nature Safe: Now you know where the slimes came from.

Family Comes First: Let it be good, do what you should.

Silver’s Past: Did Silver tell you something that wasn’t a lie?

Anyone Can Resist: Slimes can rise too. Why not?

Trap Disarmed: Finally, a savior who saved the city from unpleasant brutality. The city is saved!

Better Cooking at Home: You found out what was with that poisoned food.

First Defeat: Just one defeat only.

Your Own Way: Now you fight your way – master the path of Lazy Bear/Dancing Monkey/Angry Tortoise.

Extreme Neuropower!: Use the extreme neurotrainer at Silver Gym. Caution! Extreme neurotraining intake can damage your brain.

Legal Courier: You have defended your right to be a legal courier.

Employee of the Week: Get your first promotion at work.

Employee of the Month: Get promoted.

Employee of the Year: And the ultimate work trophy for you.

Careerist: You have reached significant heights in your work. Good job! Your mother can be proud of you!

Stat Related: Fitness Professional: Achieve any stat to 5.

Workout Professional: Achieve any stat to a value of 15.

GYM Professional: Achieve any stat to a value of 30.

Tournament Related: Fighting is Cool, and the Streak Stands at: Win 10 times.

Fight for Life: 25 times fight winner and aiming for more.

Fight is Life: Be unbeatable with 50 total wins in fights.

Champion – Starter Pack: Now you are the best among the worst! New horizons are waiting for you—be rank 1 at Silver League.

Champion – No Way Back: The second position holder of the Pro League! The absolute championship.

Absolute Champion: You’re the most powerful fighter now!!

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