Brotato Best Weapons For Beginners & How To Unlock Obliterator

Brotato offers an extensive selection of over 35 unique characters, each with their own distinct abilities, traits, and a wide range of diverse ranged weapons in their arsenal. Choosing the right character that matches your preferred play style is crucial for success in the game. Additionally, selecting the appropriate weaponry is equally important. The game features a vast array of melee weapons, making it essential for players to familiarize themselves with the most powerful long-range options available. One notable aspect that captivates players in Brotato is its remarkable ability to repurpose everyday objects and cleverly transform them into potent tools for defeating alien enemies.

The range attribute in Brotato directly affects the effective distance at which your weapons can target and damage enemies. Ranged weapons benefit from a range boost equal to the value of your range stat, while melee weapons have their range modified by half of the stat’s value. However, all weapons have a minimum base range of 25. For melee weapons, higher range values result in slightly longer cooldowns due to the increased travel distance, but they also enable wider area coverage. Conversely, negative range values have the opposite effect, reducing the effective range and potentially shortening the cooldown.

Lightning Shiv

The Lightning Shiv enhances the player’s melee damage score, providing an impressive 80% damage boost. Additionally, with each successful hit, the weapon generates an electric projectile that can bounce between 1 and 3 enemies, depending on the weapon’s tier. This projectile inflicts up to 15 damage and benefits from a significant 100% amplification based on the player’s elemental damage score. It’s worth noting that the Lightning Shiv is a default weapon, allowing players to choose it as their primary option when starting a new run.


While the Screwdriver may not possess significant melee damage potential, it stands out by strategically placing landmines throughout the game arena, which detonate upon contact with enemies. Starting from tier 1, the Screwdriver triggers the spawning of landmines every 12 seconds. With each tier upgrade, this interval decreases by 3 seconds, ultimately leading to the rapid deployment of landmines every 3 seconds at tier 4. These explosive devices deal 10 points of damage and receive a substantial 100% damage boost based on the player’s engineering score. It’s worth mentioning that the Screwdriver is readily available as a default option, allowing new players to immediately experience its explosive qualities and tactical advantages.

Ghost Axe

The Ghost Axe in Brotato is categorized as an ethereal weapon, specializing in delivering moderate close-quarter damage while granting players a valuable stat bonus based on their kill count. At tier 4, this axe can unleash a maximum of 40 points of damage per strike and provides a 100% damage boost proportional to the player’s melee damage statistic.

Although the Ghost Axe may not possess the same offensive power as some other melee weapons, its unique ability to augment player damage based on the number of kills achieved with the axe makes it a compelling choice. With each swing, players earn a 1% increase in their damage stat for every 20 enemies slain using the axe. At tier 4, this improvement becomes even more impactful, with a +1% boost acquired for every 12 kills. Notably, the Ghost Axe is readily available as a default weapon choice, allowing players to quickly experience its capabilities and effectiveness.


At first glance, the Plank may not seem like a formidable offensive weapon, as its maximum melee damage is capped at 25 points. However, it offers additional advantages that make it highly sought after. The Plank provides bonuses ranging from 50% to 65% in damage based on the player’s melee, elemental, and engineering scores, which have a significant impact when these stats are enhanced. Furthermore, each strike has a minimum 25% probability of triggering an explosion.


Despite its modest melee damage, the Wrench proves its worth with a consistent knockback of 20 points across all tiers. This feature is invaluable in creating distance and enabling other weapons to maximize their damage potential. However, what truly sets the Wrench apart is the inclusion of a turret. As the weapon’s tier increases, the offensive capabilities of the turret also improve. Tier 2 introduces incendiary attacks, tier 3 incorporates laser weaponry, and Tier 4 grants explosive projectiles.


The Hammer, a formidable blunt weapon, becomes available to players starting from tier 2. Known for its immense power and exceptional knockback, it deals a wide range of damage, ranging from 30 to 100 points. Additionally, the Hammer rewards players with a substantial damage bonus of 150-200% based on their melee damage score, making it a force to be reckoned with in close-quarter combat.

Power Fist

The Power Fist offers an explosive twist to unarmed combat, allowing players to unleash devastating punches on their foes. This weapon becomes accessible at either tier 3 or tier 4, dealing a substantial 40-60 points of damage per hit. Notably, it boasts an incredibly short cooldown of as low as 0.59 seconds, enabling rapid and relentless strikes. In addition to its potency, the Power Fist provides a 100% boost to melee damage and a helpful knockback of 15 points, allowing players to create distance between themselves and encroaching aliens. Unlocking this explosive alternative requires players to successfully complete a run with the Brawler character.

Flaming Brass Knuckles

The Flaming Brass Knuckles offer players a formidable option for close-quarter combat, delivering a considerable damage range of 16 to 64 points. Enhancing their effectiveness, these knuckles provide a noteworthy 100% bonus to melee damage, further amplifying the potential harm inflicted upon enemies. These knuckles excel in speed, boasting one of the game’s swiftest cooldowns, with a rapid rate as low as 0.59 seconds. Moreover, this damage is further augmented by a 100% boost aligned with the player’s elemental damage score, maximizing the overall impact. Players can acquire these potent weapons starting from tier 2, providing an enticing option to enhance their arsenal during gameplay.

Thunder Sword

The Thunder Sword in Brotato offers a knockback count of 5 and the unique ability to spawn 2-4 lightning projectiles upon striking enemies. These projectiles slow down opponents and deal additional damage equivalent to 100% of the player’s elemental damage. To acquire the Thunder Sword, players must complete a run with the Mage character. With a damage range of 30-60 and a melee and elemental damage boost of up to 150%, the Thunder Sword proves to be a formidable weapon for close-quarter combat.

The Plasma Sledgehammer

The Plasma Sledgehammer in Brotato showcases a formidable damage range of 80-120 points, accompanied by a melee and elemental damage boost of 150-200%, depending on its tier. With a significant knockback bonus of 30 points and a chance of explosion ranging from 25-50% per hit, the Plasma Sledgehammer proves to be a devastating weapon in close-quarter combat. To unlock the Plasma Sledgehammer, players must successfully complete a run with the Knight character. This powerful weapon becomes available starting from tier 3, ensuring its effectiveness even at its initial tier.

Note: These are some of the best weapons for beginners if you are just starting the game. The best weapon in this game is the Obliterator which can only be unlocked after completing danger level 5 which will unlock a new character Demon. You need to complete a run with demon to unlock this weapon.

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