F1 23 Best Canada Setup Guide

F1 23

Prepare to delve into the gaming guides of the exhilarating world of F1 23, the sensational racing game masterpiece developed by Codemasters. We are here to decode the ultimate setup guide for conquering the Canadian circuit and explore the FIA Formula One World Championship track at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve.

Mastering this challenging circuit requires a deep understanding of car setup intricacies and a strategic race approach. Our comprehensive guide equips you with invaluable knowledge and tips to leave your competitors in the dust at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve.

Transmission Setup

Achieving expertise necessitates a keen focus on all aspects of your car setup, including the transmission. When adjusting your differential settings, precision is critical. Take into account your unique driving style and the ever-changing track conditions.

To strike the perfect balance between speed and stability, starting with an On Throttle Differential setting of 56% and an Off Throttle Differential setting of 50% is often recommended. Lower values assigned to the differential enhance your car’s agility, allowing for quicker rotations and nimble handling around corners. On the other hand, higher values provide a stability boost, resulting in improved acceleration and a firm grip on the track. However, keep in mind that higher values may increase tire wear, while lower values could make it easier to lose control and spin out.

Aerodynamics Setup

A robust aerodynamic setup forms the foundation of dominant performance, making it a critical aspect to focus on. Our expert guide strongly recommends a front aero value of 30 and a rear aero value of 28 as an excellent starting point to unleash your car’s maximum potential on the track. Decreasing these values will increase speed but also lead to more tire wear. This configuration propels your vehicle to new driving experiences, unlocking unrivaled performance.

Suspension Setup

When it comes to setting up your suspension, personal preference plays a significant role, but starting with a firm front and a softer rear will lay the foundation for better configuration.

To unleash the full potential of your car in the 2023 Canada race, consider a front suspension setting of 28 and a rear suspension setting of 8. Enhance stability with a front anti-roll bar value of 6, while setting the rear anti-roll bar to 1. Achieve an ideal ride height with 33 for the front and 36 for the rear, ensuring a dynamic and balanced performance on the demanding track. If you find it challenging to maintain consistent positioning between the white lines, consider raising the ride height slightly to approximately 37 or 38. This adjustment will provide an added layer of protection against irreparable damage during the demanding race.

Suspension Geometry

To extract maximum grip without compromising tire longevity, push the camber values all the way to the right and the values to the extreme left. Aim for camber settings of -2.50 for the front and -1.00 for the rear, while setting the values to 0.00 for the front and 0.10 for the rear. This bold configuration will provide an abundance of traction while ensuring minimal impact on your tire’s lifespan.

Brakes Mastering the brake setup is of utmost importance when tackling the F1 23 Canada circuit. For optimal performance, set your brake pressure to a bold 100% and front brake bias to a calculated 52%. It’s crucial to consider the role of ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) in determining the ideal brake pressure. When ABS is disabled, reducing the brake pressure becomes paramount to prevent tire lock-ups, ensuring enhanced control and maneuverability of your car.


Tire setup holds the key to conquering the F1 23 Canada circuit, demanding careful attention. It’s beneficial to adopt lower tire pressures specifically tailored to this track. Set front right and front left tire pressures at a daring 22.5 PSI, while rear right and rear left tire pressures should rest at 20.3 PSI.

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