Park Beyond Staff Management

Park Beyond

Managing staff in Park Beyond may initially seem complex, but fear not! We’re here to provide you with valuable tips for smooth staff management. Let’s delve into the staff management interface, designed to enhance your decision-making and create an immersive gaming experience.

Direct your attention to the green icons located near the bottom of the screen, particularly one that stands out—a person wearing a hat. This is where you can manage and hire staff members. Within the staff management menu, you’ll find a wealth of information at your fingertips. Take a moment to observe your current staff members, each displaying their unique statistics. On the right-hand side, you’ll see a box offering hiring options.

Park Beyond Staff Management

To expand your team, simply click on the worker type that suits your staffing needs. There are four main types:

  1. Mechanics: The backbone of your thrilling attractions, ensuring smooth operations and maximum visitor enjoyment.
  2. Janitors: Assign them tasks like cleaning toilets, picking up litter, and removing unwanted items.
  3. Entertainers: Utilize their talents to entertain visitors through singing, dancing, and captivating performances.
  4. Paramedics: Guardians of visitor well-being, attending to their needs.

You have the power to customize their experience by adjusting their pay and defining their duties. Click on the ‘Gear’ icon to access a list of duties. Additionally, you can unleash the extraordinary potential of your staff through Impossification.

To Impossify a staff member in your amusement park, select the desired staff member while in the Impossification overlay. An Impossification upgrade and new upkeep cost will be presented. If you’re satisfied, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process. The staff member will undergo a transformation, acquire new equipment, and require ongoing upkeep fees.

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