Battlebit Remastered All Gadget List & Guide

BattleBit Remastered

In the war-ravaged and destructible environments of BattleBit Remastered, mastering warfare gadgets becomes a critical component of your strategy for achieving victory. Amidst the chaos and mayhem, these essential tools are the ultimate game-changers, granting you a decisive edge over your enemies.

Whether it’s a portable barrier that shields you from enemy fire, a tactical explosive that obliterates enemy emplacements, or a recon drone that scouts the battlefield, these gadgets provide invaluable versatility and adaptability. Armed with this knowledge, you can coordinate your team’s assault, launch precise strikes, and outmaneuver your opponents with calculated precision. Here is a small guide to all the working warfare gadgets of BattleBit Remastered.

Primary Gadgets

Claymore: Defensive tool with a tripwire that detonates upon contact or when shot, surprising enemies.

M320 Smoke Grenade Launcher: Launches smoke grenades with more extended range and more ammo, providing essential cover and disrupting enemy vision.

C4: Sticky explosives thrown with the left mouse button, detonate with the right mouse button, or when damaged. Destroys structures and vehicles.

Repair Tool: Primary and secondary gadgets for engineers. Partially repair damaged vehicles.

Suicide C4: Wearable explosive, trigger at will to eliminate enemies.

Binoculars: Zoom in with the right mouse button for enhanced vision and scout enemy positions from a safe distance.

Advanced Binoculars: Higher zoom for precise target observation and identification.

Anti Personnel Mine: Strategically place explosive on the ground to detonate when enemies step on it or when shot.

Bino SOFLAM: Higher zoom with a rangefinder for accurate distance measurement to targets.

Secondary Gadgets

Air Drone: Remote-controlled drone for scouting or delivering C4.

Grappling Hook: Fires a climbable rope for vertical movement, with a visible firing arc and built-in rangefinder.

Small Ammo Kit: Deployable box with a smaller ammo capacity for refilling ammunition.

Heavy Ammo Kit: Deployable box to refill ammo by holding F and selecting the desired key.

Medic Kit: Left-click to self-heal, right-click to heal others. Can be thrown for allies to heal themselves.

Sledge Hammer: Creates large holes in walls for passage or melee attacks.

Sledge Hammer: Creates large holes in walls for passage or melee attacks.

Pickaxe: Creates small holes in walls for shooting or melee attacks.

Riot Shield: Bullet-proof shield that restricts vision and limits aiming range. No prone stance.

RPGs: Different ammo types are available, including frag, HEAT, and tandem. Specialized PGO7 Scope with ranging instructions for precise shots.

Repair Tool: Partially repairs vehicles, serving as both a primary and secondary gadget for engineers.

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