Town Of Salem 2- How To Play Famine

Town of Salem 2If you’re looking for an interesting challenge in Town of Salem 2, you might want to try playing as Famine. As a neutral player aligned with the apocalypse, your role is to speed up starvation in the game, and to do this; you need to be strategic and cautious. In this blog post, we’ll go over how to play as Famine, your abilities, and your attributes, including some tips on using them to your advantage.

How To Play Famine At Town Of Salem 2

Understanding Baker/Famine’s Abilities

As a Baker, you will have to give Bread to each player every single day. The main goal should be to make sure that they are alive if you want to turn into a Famine. As Famine, your ability allows you to choose a player each night to speed up starvation by one day. You can select anyone, regardless of their role or alignment, so use this ability strategically to eliminate valuable players or those who might threaten to eliminate you.

Using Famine’s Attributes

The night after your transformation, all players who do not have bread will be dealt with an unstoppable attack. It means that players who don’t have this essential item will be eliminated abruptly. So it makes it even more critical to use your ability strategically to eliminate players you deem as valuable to the game.

Being Immune To Roleblocks And Controls

As Famine, you are immune to role blocks and controls, giving you a significant game advantage. You can use this to your advantage by being more aggressive and assertive, using your abilities to eliminate other players. You’ll be less vulnerable to attacks from other players and immune to manipulation from those who want to control you or your actions.


Playing as Famine requires a lot of strategies, patience, and calculated risks. You need to be careful with who you target with your ability and ensure you stay within the ethical bounds of gameplay. Famine is one of the weakest Apocalypse characters in the game currently. However, the fun lies on how you play every game in Town Of Salem 2 despite the weakness of roles.

For more informative guides on Town Of Salem 2, check below the description;

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