The Last Case Of Benedict Fox Figure Out Father Death Details

The Last Case Of Benedict Fox

The Last Case Of Benedict Fox has a few main quests and side quests that you can complete by exploring the mysterious limbos. One of the main quests you will obtain after completing the first quest is to figure out the details about the murder of the father and mother. To figure this out you need to visit a certain location the father’s limbo. Below you will find the location and how to complete the quest.

The Last Case Of Benedict Fox Figure Out Details About Father’s Death

This is part of the quest called “The Ritual”. To find out the details about your father’s death, you need to first get the ability to disperse ink walls and pass through them. Check out our previous guide on how to pass through ink walls. Once you have obtained the upgrade, go to the location marked in the image above in the father’s limbo and pass through the ink waterfall. To reach the location shown in the image above you need to solve a few chess puzzles.

You have to cross through a big dark room that also has some monsters hidden that will attack you. Defeat these monsters by flashing light onto them. After coming out of the dark room, you will take control of the soul of your father and retrace his steps to find out the truth about the murder.

While retracing the steps, you will be attacked by a giant spider-looking monster from whom you need to escape. After escaping, there will be a cutscene where you will find details about your father’s murder and complete the quest.

To escape from the spider, you need to avoid the red light and hide behind the walls. While being chased by the spider, you need to quickly run towards the right side and climb up the platform. After that hide under the platforms and escape from the spider to reach the cutscene area.

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